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The drug thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by redbullgreygoose, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Moose

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I got bored earlier, had a bunch of schwag hanging around, and decided to roll up a tulip.

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  2. Tyty

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Has anyone else tried poppy seed tea?

    Going many years looking for easy highs, robotussin, salvia, and other "legal" ways to impair me, I never came across this. Check it out.

    Take about a quarter pound of poppy seeds and mix with a couple cups of water and a half a lemon. Shake it up in a bottle a bit, I let it sit about 15 mins. then unscrew the cap one turn or so and squeeze the liquid out (leaving the poppy seeds in the bottle). You can do this like 3 times per batch of seeds.

    After doing this I felt like I had taken about the equivalent of 4 vicoden, though strength varies wildly seed to seed.

    If you are into taking painkillers, this is a good way for you to do it and it will feel like they last all day.
  3. theking23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    You said you can do it three times per batch of seeds, do you drink all three at once? Also do you reuse the lemon with the seeds?
  4. theking23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    For some reason I can't edit this post. I reread what you wrote and I figured you don't drink all three at once and that you meant one batch of seeds is good for three highs. However, my new question is do you just use the seeds you get at the supermarket? The one's from the spice section? Or are these treated with something to prevent this method and you need to use a different kind of seeds?
  5. Jay-Bird

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009

    I have heard that a lot of the ones in the grocery stores are treated. What you want to do is buy them off of Ebay or a place online. I've also read that it's in your best interest to grind them up to get the most out of it. Honestly just do a Google search for poppy seed tea and you will figure it out. I believe I found what looked like the best recipes through Erowid.
  6. Queef Debris

    Queef Debris
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Anyone else use a vaporizer? From what I've heard, it reduces most health problems associated with smoking. The one I have is the Vaporcannon from Vaporwarez. It gives me more of a relaxed head high than regular smoking.
  7. Wadget

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    I recently just got some MDMA caps, i've heard there more "potent" than the pills.

    As a general rule, healthwise/pleasure-wise are the caps better or worse than the pills?
  8. Moose

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Is it just an off-white/brownish powder in gel caps? Chances are it's 'molly,' aka pure mdma. The term 'pure' should be taken with caution, because hey, it's cheaper to cut stuff.

    Anyway, pills, pressies, rolls, whatever you may call them, can be cut with anything. ANYTHING. Coke, meth, [extremely rarely] heroin, excedrin, tylenol, basically anything to bulk up the pill and act as a filler. Between fillers and binders and dyes and whatnot, I'd say you're better off with the gel caps, healthwise. I'm not a doctor, nor am I super-duper-experienced with MDMA, but that's what comes to mind off the top of my head.
  9. gramouflage

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Without going into great detail I grew up with someone who got into it pretty big. I basically dropped out of college tagging along the east coast and getting involved in some escapades I am lucky to have walked away from. A young lady in his employ was pulled over off of I-95 in the middle of nowhere for speeding, was searched (I assume due to her being nervous,) and found with +/-$150k. She of course gave him up and he was federally indicted; my journey was over and I went back to the simple life. I was sincerely blowing lines for breakfast (brunch may be more appropriate) and having benzos for my midnight (dawn) snack. Suffices to say that the lifestyle adjustment was difficult.

    I am pretty much done with anything psychedelic though I recently ate mushrooms and found it to be refreshing. I have read about its use with terminal patients and their acceptance of death. That trip kind of forced me to realize it is time to get focused in a similar way.

    I still smoke an almost embarrasing amount of herb and I don't see that coming to an end in the near future.

    I have to say that one thing i encountered on the aforementioned travels that really intrigued me was how pervasive heroin is in NY, NJ, and parts of PA. Not so much it's wide availability (though the fact most of the customers are Suburban Whiteys is alarming/interesting) but the packaging. If you have seen The Wire then you know of various brand names, etc. However in Baltimore heroin comes in gel capsules and plastic bags. In the tri-state area it is sold in glassine (wax paper like) envelopes stamped with colorful pictures and often humorous and topical puns and phrases. It is very dynamic in that brands change, get weaker/stronger, etc. and it seemed that the users enjoyed the hunt and were even somewhat elitist similar to pot snobs. At one point last year there was some going around called OBAMA with a very accurate stamp of his face.
    Can't find now so internet steal it is...
  10. MooseKnuckle

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I heard the morning show play this on the radio the other day. I think this will be the best place to post this anyway. I guess in 1970 Doc Ellis pitched a no-hitter. "So fucking what?" you might be saying to yourself. Well I'll tell you. He pitched this particular no-hitter while he was high on LSD. This is an interview of him telling the story. Just wow.

    #170 MooseKnuckle, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. c_norris

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    Oct 31, 2009
    drifting by, totally
    That's a classic baseball story, never heard the interview though. That's amazing.

    Of course, the 80s crack epidemic didn't escape baseball. No doubt you've heard of Dave Parker, Tim Raines, Keith Hernandez and co. being busted in the Pittsburgh drug trials. I think Doc Gooden also derailed his career later with drug problems.
  12. Wadget

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    Actually it's more of just a plain, white colour than off-white/brownish.

    Is this a bad sign? What would make it look more white than brown?
  13. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Heroin use among a young suburban population is up across most major metro areas, not just the NY tri-state area. Purity levels are up (resulting in more OD fatalities), prices are down (at least in the DFW area) and cocaine has become less available. I've witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of teens with heroin addiction admitted to one of the treatment facilities where I do service work (in an affluent suburb of Dallas. Interestingly, some of these patients make a 28 day stay in rehab part of their game plan. They use the time to allow their bodies to "recharge" so to speak, knowing full well that they're going to go right back to it upon discharge. Mommy and Daddy need to stop being enablers and learn what real tough love is.
  14. Moose

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Like I said, I haven't seen a ton of molly, but the best stuff I've seen [read] (people referred to it as 'moonrocks,' and it was in rock from when purchased) had a slight brownish tinge to it. I wouldn't say that being closer to white is a bad sign though. In my opinion, it's probably just been cut. If it were me, I'd probably take it, so long it came from someone i knew and trusted. Someone here with a bit more experience might be better able to help you out.

    Did your connect specify how much each capsule contained? Just curious. I've never bought molly in caps.
  15. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I've heard that rehab centers are claiming that more patients are coming from white suburban middle class homes just like you said, but that the overall number of patients being admitted is on the decline. Have you observed the same thing? If so, why do you think that is?

    Do you think that now that the demographic has shifted to kids with more money, they can now suddenly just support their habits and don't bother with rehab?
  16. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My Long Island town and the ones surrounding it have seen an enormous spike in heroin use over the last 5 years or so. Near as I can tell, it kind of flew in under the radar and established itself as a very cheap alternative to cocaine, which was only ever prevalent in the wealthier areas. From the time I graduated high school to the time my younger brother did four years later, it went from an isolated element of kids using smack, to a substantial problem that was garnering press attention.

    I would bet money that we'll see an increase in those rehab numbers over the next two years. The people here are only now starting acknowledge that it's even a problem. Before May or June of this year, heroin (very high-grade heroin, by the way) wasn't a drug that their precious little boys and girls would have access to, let alone use with the kind of frequency they've been using it. In their small minds, those are black drugs, for black neighborhoods, where they deal with black problems.

    Combine that sort of denial with communities where a child in rehab for heroin equals gossip fodder for the alcoholic, pill-popping knitting circle cunts who raise their children in these fucked up cookie cutter neighborhoods with too much money and no fucking common sense, and you've got what we have: an drug epidemic that actually hits the Yacht Club where it hurts.

    You'll excuse me if I don't sound sympathetic. A lifetime of growing up around wealthy, exclusionary racists who lack a fundamental understanding of the world outside this fucking island has somehow whetted my appetite for schadenfreude.
  17. gramouflage

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    It really is a complex problem but I think the biggest factor to point at would be social acceptance of opiate pain pills and their availability. I sniffed about 1/5 of a bag with a girl in White Plains and it was just like a strong dose of Oxycodone. I have heard that it is cheaper (at least in the beginning) and a nice change from the edgy, never satisfied high of coke. Also, being sniffable doesn't hurt as most people associate the addiction with needles and spoons.

    As to the question of rehab admissions, I would think it is a regional thing. In the northeast the high purity powder is what is available, whereas other regions get black tar variety which is mostly for needles (possibly smoking?) If you looked at people from the cities and suburbs of PA, NY, NJ, CT, and DE I think that figure would show an increase. As far as rich kids not going to rehab, most private treatment centers cost between 20-30k without insurance for the 28 day stay so I think (from what I saw) it is mostly them and their pill popping mothers and alcoholic fathers. Public rehabs, such as court-ordered diversion programs, are flooded and addicts wait (sometimes while in custody) for weeks and months to get in.

    I remember Westchester kids who used to laugh about spending every dollar in the Bronx copping and then running out of gas on the way back and they weren't trashy or stupid (ok that may be debatable) so I kind of took an interest in the subject.
  18. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Where I'm from (Florida) that's how most heroin use starts in kids. They get pain pills from friends or from surgery and then just move up the opiate chain and spiral out of control pretty quickly.

    I have little sympathy for a person who becomes hooked because they were just taking those pills for fun. They knew the risks associate for what they were doing and took the chance.

    However, I have a lot for a person who gets injured and is required to take them every single day and gets hooked. I mean, they didn't even have a choice to not take them every day if they wanted to. Where as the other person could just take them every weekend, every 2 weekend, every month etc. or not ever start.
    That's pretty unfortunate if you ask me.
  19. theking23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I watched this happen to my friend's roommate. Started snorting oxycontin, before you know it he was doing half an 80 mg pill in one line, then a whole one. These things cost like 50 bucks each. Once you've got a habit going sooner or later someone is going to point out that heroin is the same thing (and if you say its not you're lying to yourself) for much cheaper. Boom. Now your oxycontin addiction is a heroin addiction. He didn't have access to the powder they have on the east coast only the black tar and still drew the line at needles so he would smoke it. Like all damn day. A month or two ago he found a crooked doctor who gave him a prescription for 90 of the 80 mg pills for 500 bucks. He went to rehab two weeks ago.
  20. clickclack

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Anyone tried DMT yet? I watched that joe rogan vid on youtube, and after further research on erowid, I'm giddy with excitement over the existence of this psychedelic. It's like LSDX1000+aliens.

    I know I'm definitely going to go ahead and try it once if/when I get my hands on it, but I've met people who've tried it who told me you'd BETTER be in a good/decent mood when you do it, or else all the demons that have plagued you since you grew opposable thumbs will all come and haunt the fuck out of you in that 5-10 min span and leave you totally fucked in the head probably forever [edit: no matter how comfortable you are with yourself, everyone has demons]. But, if things go right, it's apparently the closest thing to God/Spirituality and all that. The latter has been told to me by extremely smart people who are very far from being religious and are most probably atheist.

    This isn't LSD. LSD is background. DMT is not subtle at all. 10 seconds after your first hit, your normal vision just shuts down on you like blinds and it's on.

    Anyways, I didn't see DMT mentioned here, but to anyone who knows more, here are some random questions/topics about the drug.

    1. Thoughts on machine elves and aliens. Many people report seeing the same creatures in their trips and how most of them communicate with you very vaguely about the eco-system. These reports are apparently from several different sources and there is little to no connection between any of the people of have experienced this phenomena.

    2. I'm by no means a chemist or anything, but I read that DMT can actually be manufactured quite easily wityh a simple chem set. I looked over some erowid article about manufacturing it, but it seems no simpleton such as I would be able to extract DMT without doing some serious research first. Maybe someone with more expertise in this topic could debunk this.

    That's all I got for now. Peace.