Die. I would die. I would be dead. The end. It's an irrational fear. But it's MY irrational fear. Stop telling me how I should feel it!
Latest theory is that there was/is a "celeb nude" ring that operates much like child porn rings (they don't advertise, you have to "buy" your way in with original content, etc) that someone broke ranks on.
You've never pulled the "iron prank"? Get somebody to walk up to you in the house then press a cold iron into their hand? The cold from the steel makes them think its hot and the reaction is priceless.
No. I'm a horrible horrible prankster. Like...when they happen to me I just get the blank look on my face and "Ohhhh" happens. It's quite deflating. And...I am not creative enough to come up with anything that would be a cool prank either. I'm horrible at that stuff.
Sigh. Just a joke. Just like I really don't know what it's like to use a curling iron for masturbation purposes. In case that wasn't clear either. But if I did, it would SO be this one: Spoiler
This is much easier to do than you might think. Every night I have a mini-botnet that I use for stress and load testing against my test systems, and I can create one script and deploy it as many times as I want, and have it distributed in almost no time to X number of slaves. JMeter and other open source infrastructures are meant to just this. So yeah, if some guy had some sort of botnet at his disposal, he could have threaded out that brute force HUGELY on every single instance (thanks to that online delay) and be pretty effective at a parallel, controlled attack in next to no time.
http://imgur.com/a/bG9Fk And this is for the dread pirate. asking for the red head. some /r/gonewild girl edit, there is alot more, just click on her username and you will find it
The investigation definitely took longer than that. I'm guessing that there are lists of email addresses for the celebrities that are being targeted every day, and those same lists were used here - but in any event, the prep was definitely not a one day event. I just don't know what kind of scale was required for this attack. Without any kind of guess as to the number of attempts it took... Mini botnets are easy to deploy, I guess I just have it in my head that this must have taken a lot of password guesses, far more than most legally obtained botnets would be able to generate, and thus the attacker must have had access to a malware generated botnet of some kind. But like I said, without any kind of scale, I don't know. I keep falling back on the thought that if the celebrities had passwords that weak, such that a guy with a handful of machines could compromise them in a day, many of them would have been exposed long before this.
So there was a guy talking about how he was going to drop some more photos. Did that happen or did the FBI spook the shit out of him?
What is the sound of one hand fapping? I think it's funny reading some of the coverage on "regular" news sites. They all kind of say the same thing: focus on Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, quote the statements their people released, and then mention that Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande officially say those are "fakes." Because, if there's a group out there talented enough to hack accounts and spread all those around the interwebs , they couldn't possibly have the expertise to prove they are real. Alrighty then. It would've been funny if Justin Verlander had released a statement saying the ones including him were fake.
From the internet screen caps I saw the original dude had quite a few more celebrities that were supposed to be dropped soon after the original ones. Set times were announced and passed with nothing. Im sure the increased scrutiny is scaring anyone from releasing anything at this point if there is anything at all. Even reddit has banned the original live thread about it. Now that the country is back to work the headlines and opinion pieces are now questioning how we are to handle this situation going forward. edit: Seems news of Beiber and those maniacs in the middle east have drowned out much of this as a major news story. Good news for perverts and people apathetic to Hollywood super stars privacy.
There's a lot of slut shaming/victim blaming going on too that I've seen. I don't really identify much in the feminist category of things, but I feel that blaming the girls for even having the pics at all is incredibly misguided and vicious. While I do think people ought to be careful with where they put sensitive information in general, I don't think the girls did anything to be ashamed of. Out of curiosity, I went through my entire iphoto library yesterday. I don't like going on there much because it just slows the shit out of my computer so I rarely look to see whats there. But let me tell you. There were things on there I had totally forgotten about. When I had photostream enabled, it would automatically update on my computer and I didn't even realize it. So it is possible to forget that certain things even exist. It was like a library of shame. Dirty filthy shame.
Julian, get upstairs right now! Supper is ready. <fap fap> Hang on, mom! I'm in the middle of an 'investigation.'
Well there are cretins on the internet and websites that allow them direct access to stars and the main stream media with their dipshittery. I mentioned it before that my TiBer thread pic was auto uploaded to a google+ account I have, I can't really fault the girls for not being tech savvy. The leaker will have the hammer fall on him/them but the "we need to shame the people who participated in sharing and looking as part of the actual problem to focus on" line is going to fall on deaf ears. It just seems the public in general is OK with seeing these photos and not overly concerned with the fact that the stars privacy was invaded.