What I want to know is where are the uncensored pics from that gif? How dare anyone cover up perfectly good celebrity tits. It's an infamnia!
Yeah, people are going to learn all about iCloud and uploading stuff. Funny thing before this is I had a conversation with my mom and dad who aren't about technology at all. My mom said "I don't trust the cloud, I don't want my information there." There was also a discussion as to if Amazon was going to steal her identity, but she even succumbed to those sweet sweet prices and free shipping. I'm tired of the shaming, I'm tired of the puritan bullshit. Also, the worst thing those celebrities can say is that they were fake. I could give a fuck less about Grande, but all those other chicks were confirmed. Let's not get out of pocket with the "OH THEY'RE FAKE!" This is some HD shit now, can't hide behind things being fake. I feel bad about the concept of what happened, but I will for damn sure take a peek of JLaw on that couch once in awhile and smile. The odds will ever be in my favor...
Shame us That gif hurts my head. Also, it looks like she's in a school classroom. I wish she had taught me in 5th grade. Edit: I should say, I wish I had a teacher like that in 5th grade, because JLaw was not born when I was in 5th grade. #oldman
Re: Shame us Yeah that had to be her teasing some guy and sent that to fuck with him. Or who the fuck would edit that? It's upsetting, because I'm dying to see. Even though I shouldn't, but I do.
Re: Shame us If I could find the uncensored version that would be my new avatar. It is way too fast though, but I don't mind playing with it, uh them.
http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2014/09/02/mc ... porn-sites Called it... So.... did she just incriminate herself?
"Expert". Sure. If they fuck THIS up that badly, just imagine how piss-poor all the other news they spew is?
Seeing as I've been "inside the tent pissing out" for a few minor news stories over the last few years, and know enough medical/science shit to get by, it really does make me wonder about news stories where I don't actually know the full picture. Because if I know how much they get wrong when I know what I'm talking about, well, shit. I think Christopher Hitchens once said that he became a journalist so that he didn't have to rely on other people to get his news. And the bulk of the news he did actually read came from other journalists who were sharing things that they couldn't publish.
You don't have to "imagine" anything. This is CNN. Any relation to it and quality news is purely coincidental.
I've gotten pretty tired of all the "outrage" over people looking at and disseminating these photos. It's not sexual abuse. It's not "digital rape". It's not sexual assault. Please, just stop. There is a VERY SMALL amount of people who are slut shaming women. These people would be doing it in any context. If you want to say anything, objectifying of women is occurring, but even that becomes debatable if you walk by any grocery store checkout end cap and see the billion dollar magazine industry that does the exact same thing that women don't seem to have an issue with. I find it interesting that no one has said shit about Verlander's cock being shown. His name hasn't appeared in even one article even though it was his account that got hacked. Why is this? Obviously a guy who has photos leaked doesn't receive any sympathy votes so it's newsworthiness is approaching absolute zero. People are way over playing the victim role. No one with half a brain is saying you aren't allowed to take nude photos. No one with half a brain is saying you don't have a right to your privacy. What people with half a brain are saying is that once you take a photo of something you don't want anyone but a select few to see, there is the chance, however slim, that more people may see it. If you aren't okay with this, however improbable, don't do it. If this information makes it outside of the circle you wanted it to, it sucks, but it was your choice in the beginning to pass along this information and you have to deal with the fallout however unfair you may think that is.
Failing to identify or protect against brute force attacks is a vulnerability in your server configuration. Dicks. How hard is it to put a five second lockout after a bad password attempt? A ten minute lockout after 100 bad attempts? A call our service desk lockout after a thousand bad attempts? FFS.