Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Somewhere in a Texas prison, DixieBandit snapped a pencil for missing all of that girl's bush flooding the internet. I love how that's the only one Ive seen so far that went far enough to have some internet sleuthing done on it. There are regular pics of her back and ears with moles and marks circled pointing to ones in the ass spreading/curling iron photos. God bless the United States of America.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW WHOA WHOA WHOA. Where is this video? Why has a link not been posted? I'm all for the sanctity of privacy, but come on.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW The biggest erection I've gotten from this ordeal is the one I got when contemplating the news cycle on Tuesday. Holy shitsnacks this is going to be absurd.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW And this has GOT to be the most NSFW WDT thread ever. Keep refreshing and you'll probably get it.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Ive seen only one of Kaley Cuocco so far, but if more are leaked I may be missing a day or two of work.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW It's not worth wondering if this isn't like, a super bad sign for society at large, right? Or questioning the ethics of any of this? I definitely looked, but I don't think that says something good about me. I'm not gonna turn this into an argument or anything. Just sharing my thoughts on the matter.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Yeah there's a kind of grossness to all of it. I'm surprised so many of the big name sites are reposting the pics or linking to them. Clickbate is what it is, and as much as the news needs eyes on the screen, sites need the traffic. Not judging anyone in particular or anyone here at all, but it's kind of an odd place that society is in comfort wise.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW I'm struggling as well. Incredible overriding curiosity driving me to look, and it's something I know is wrong. I can identify with and understand the violation they have to be feeling and...yeah.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW I'm actually kinda interested in the larger social ramifications of this giant image dump. I don't think we've ever seen one like this; usually it's a single celeb's phone that was hacked, or a sex tape that was released by a vindictive ex, or what have you. To have a torrent of photos, of celebrities of all kinds, come out at once forces us to view these not as aberrations, but as a larger human pattern. It's easy to say that Kim Kardashian is a whore when a release is just her sex tape (she is a whore, but not because she filmed sex, or really anything to do with sex), but unless you're one of those super conservative "Hollywood is full of queer godless liberal" types, it's hard to say that JLaw AND Ariana Grande AND Kaley Cuocco AND Kirsten Dunst AND eight dozen others, are all whores. You have to deal with it all at once, and can't maintain the dissonance that this is "whore behavior." It's not, it's human behavior. I know there will be a lot said about objectifying celebrities and women especially, and part of that is true, but for me I found these pictures often humanized them more than anything. When compared to their perfectly manicured public image, curated by a team of PR reps, fashion consultants and photoshop experts, these pictures are downright candid moments of real humanity. Frankly, I like these women more for it.