Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Looking at that girl(an easy thing to do) over the past couple years the last thought going through my mind would be "I bet that girl did her own goatse session". But in all seriousness, there is something really wrong about all of this. It's not like EVERYBODY isntgoing to look, but its voyeauristic as fuck and it's half the Maxim 100 list all at once. It's an insane tidal wave and just crazy to think about. I'm honestly wondering if its the Feds doing it to distract everyone from Ferguson. FALSE FLAG ALEX JONES CHEMTRAILS HURR HURRRRR
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW I am not saying all this is right, but come on, how often do you hear of someone getting hacked and there stuff is leaked. People should know by not to trust anything connected to the net, especially the cloud. I would of thought some of the new celebs(upton/jlaw) would understand this.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Hey, if you're going all conspiracy, why not suggest this is Al-Qaeda's newest terrorist attack?
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Make no mistake, someone is going to jail for 15 years. Want to put money whether he gets to wear his fedora for the mugshot? According to a Daily Fail article, there are a hundred names on the "hit" list. ... tress.html Damn. I am convinced each and every person's password was either their birthday or the combination of President Skroob's luggage.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW If I'm going to buy into any conspiracy angle, the one I'm going to buy into is that someone at the NSA either: a) Leaked all of these to get America's attention in a way Snowden couldn't because Snowden overestimated the intellect of the average American b) Saved all the celeb nudes that analysts were passing around and then sold them.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Shit, I'm at work for a few hours and look what happens. I agree with Aetius second theory. Everything has a price. The NSA has everything ever transmitted by American citizens. Its conceivable to think a few keyed into celebrities and grabbed interesting tidbits here and there.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW Which is exactly what Snowden said they do. If this is an anonymous whistle-blower saying, "see? Snowden is right"... that is beyond awesome.
Re: The Fappening For those of you wondering where the term The Fappening came from, I first saw someone call it that on Reddit, and it has since taken on a life of its own.
Re: The Fappening Jesus, look at that list. Is there a female celebrity that HASN'T taken nudes of herself? It's insane how many people are hacked. RIP privacy. It's crazy. Fucking crazy.
If this really is someone trying to make a point and send a message about the NSA or online privacy, rather than just make some quick bitcoin, then this is as fucking devious and effective as it gets. I can't think of any other scenario that would be more effective, generate more discussion, and get more coverage.
I think government surveillance is comperable to the concept manifest destiny. They have the ability to do this, and they can do it without much consequence. The only thing really stopping them is public moral objections, which isn't the best motivator.
Truth. What can get more attention than celebrities: planet Earth's drug of choice? It makes sense, and this will erase all other news. If somebody wanted to prove a point, they have the entire solar system's undivided attention. Next, a 14-year-old hacker from Finland hands over the next American Presidency to Sean Penn.
Re: The Fappening I can't wait to see upcoming legislation to protect our precious celebrities privacy.
Re: The Fappening It already exists. The problem comes with the enforcement, especially when half the internet is partaking, regardless of how morally outraged they say they are.
Re: 8/22/14 WDT NSFW This is pretty much my take on it. These celebs thought that there was even a remote chance of their stuff staying private. Their punishment is that I glance at their pic for a few seconds and say "giggity." Given that most of them probably would be willing to flash shit for a movie, they aren't really that concerned. If they act it, probably because they are expected to. I have made the mistake of distributing a pic of my tits with my face in the picture (it was for charity - lol), and I know that if I were to ever to achieve notice on the national level, someone who has the pic would whore out the pic for $$$ in a nanosecond. I wouldn't blame them. It is my own fault for being so stupid. That's why all the pics on this board do not feature my face. I'm kind of thinking of using this recent brouhaha as a teaching moment for my daughter who has recently obtained a cell phone.