This is a boat called the Extreme, a buddy of mine built it from sheets of aluminum, it is about 36 feet long and has twin volvo diesels and does about 35 knots. Next friday around midnight we will be launching from Shelter Island in San Diego, load up a few scoops of sardines and head south to Ensanada to grab 400 gallons of diesel, then head to cedros island 253 mile from Point Loma in San Diego, we are taking 5 guys and will be gone 7 days, fishing for yellowtail, rock cod and maybe some bluefin if we are lucky. Pictures and Report the first week of May, assuming of course I do not meet an untimely death at sea and/or we are not taken hostage and imprisoned by the Mexican Navy.
Booyah! Caught a 5 lbs Rainbow this past Saturday. Fought her for 10 minutes or so before getting her in the net. Every time she saw the boat she'd take out half my line. Beautiful fish.
Goddamn it... I fish out of two places down here. Here is one: And here is the other: So yeah. I'm done for the rest of the summer- at least. EDIT: Here is NOAA's official closure list. I fish out of Venice and Terrebonne Bay. This line will only expand as time progresses. This is crap.
Here is a video that was made last week by LA Sportsman magazine as a promotional effort to help some of the charter captains in the area. I know the guy who runs this boat, so this was really cool to see. Check it out if any of yall are interested in the affect the oil spill is having on fishing in this area, or if you just really want to see a few guys just absolutely crush some yellowfin tuna. They limit out pretty damn quick, and even get a hit from a blue marlin towards the end of the video:
Tail end of trophy season on the Chesapeke Bay my first trip out this year was a couple of Sundays ago with my neighbor. Fished channels at the mouth, Potomac side 30-50ft @ 2.4-2.9 KTS. Eight line set up running mostly umbrella rigs, daisy chains, and a couple of customs. We were on the water a 6:15AM, lines in by 7:00, the first hit (likely smaller) was lost just after 8:00AM. I hate it when people lose fish. However, people on either side of us were still getting fish on the boat so we were optimistic. Ugh. This dogger hit at 11:55AM, I'd finished all of my beer by 9:30AM. I obviously didn't bring enough. I was closest, so I did the honors. Not that big of a fight, a little under 10 minutes to bring her in. Whatever, we didn't get skunked. 34", delicious, etc.
Recent 4-day fishing trip was a bust. Weather was shit, including hail, snow, sleet, rain, wind, and more rain. This was the one 3-hour window where it wasn't that bad... it was cold, but at least it was dry. That being said, it's not like we were uncivilized about it. We spent a good amount of time with bbq-ing some awesome beef tenderloin, drinking Bailey's coffee's and beer, and watching a few movies on the laptop. All while the kick-ass wood stove kept us nice and toasty. There's a time and place to suck it up and brave the elements, but that weekend was not one of them. The goal was to relax and get away from work, and that mission was accomplished.
My bachelor party/fishing trip didn't go so hot either. One boat was in the shop with lower unit issues and the other couldn't make it up there because of a family emergency. The 5 of us were stuck on a remote 100 acre lake in northern MN with only a pontoon. There was no trolling motor, so we couldn't even go slow enough to jig or pull lindy rigs. The worst part is that it was muskie opener and there's not a single muskie in that lake! On the other hand, it was the only part of the state that wasn't getting heavy rain and we spent most of the day in or on the water drinking beer without another soul on the lake. I still caught a bunch of bass and crappies, so it wasn't all bad.
My brother, dad, myself and my 9-year old went out for some flounder in Cape May this weekend. It was a little windy but we managed to get 4 keepers and my son got his first keeper, a 21" flounder.
Anyone familiar with the North Jersey area, specifically Bergen? If so, are there any good places for freshwater fishing around here? I couldn't find much searching the net so I'm doubting it. I'm originally from South Jersey, but have been staying in East Rutherford lately and I wanna do some bassin or trout fishin if its within a short drive I can make in the afternoons.
This is from last week, my brother in law had a tuna on and I was going to film him with it but it broke off, the boats cook had a fish on as well so I filmed his fish. The fish is an albacore tuna probably 20-25 pounds caught on live sardine.
Fishing report for the weekend- it was rough as hell, and we had to travel hundreds of miles to work around the closure areas, but we ended up catching some good fish. Final tally: 30 hours 2 Yellowfin Tuna (50-60lb) 13 Blackfin Tuna (all around 25lb) 6 Amberjacks (1 monster 90lb, another close to 70- both pictured) 12 Red Snapper 1 Gag Grouper 1 Scamp Grouper Not one drop of oil seen
Nice fish. Looks like you had a blast. It says you were out for 30 hours. Do you guys have a place to sleep on the boat?
Thanks, man. You see those bean bags on the bow of the boat in the last pic? That's all we've got. And we only have 3, so two people get those, one person usually crashes on top of the coffin box, and two stay awake while we troll through the night. I've never slept for more than a couple of hours on any of these over night trips out of this boat. I had just now discovered 5 Hour Energy before this trip, so I drove the boat while people slept until around 6AM yesterday when the morning bite occurred, and then slept for part of the 4 hour trip back to the launch. I also didn't stop working the jig rod for a good 5 hours straight at one point in the night. Those 5 Hour Energy's are freaking amazing. Someone has a picture of me at this point. I look like the old lady from "There's Something About Mary" when Ben Stiller accidentally gives her a bunch of speed. EDIT: here is a full shot of the boat we normally take:
That's a sweet rig. So what you guys do is kind of like what we do ice fishing. You can sleep if you want to, but there's always a line in the water. You mention jigging. What do you know about those new wax fin jigs, or whatever they're called? What kind of action do they have and how fast/slow/erratic do you have to fish them? I was thinking about maybe trying one for muskies.