Where/when? Congrats! I'm not jealous at all, you lucky fucker. Did you buy lottery tickets today too?
I either got drawn for an early rifle hunt during the rut or a bow hunt at the beginning of the rut in September, it is an Arizona resident tag so it only costs $135, the draw results will be out next week but my credit card got charged today so I know that I drew one or the other. The hunt is in the mountains of northern Arizona by Flagstaff at 6500-7000 feet it is a 25 mile square to hunt in. I shot a 7x7 there in 2008, there are some big guys running around in that unit. My wife wishes I would play the lottery instead of applying for hunts but I don't want to waste my luck on lotteries
Crappie fished all day for four bites and one short fish. It's not quite time yet. This is the first time in my adult life that I fished all day without a cigarette. Felt weird.
Congrats man, that is a tough one to do, took me 5 years to quit and the first time I got on the water without a cigarette was very weird but worth it in the end.
My spring turkey season starts in less than a month now. Its nice to have all the gear and everything ready to go after last year too. Currently shaking the dust off my diaphragm calls. I am hoping to call one in for my friend that started hunting in the past couple of years but hasn't killed a turkey or deer yet. The lakes are thawing out and I am very ready to get back to fishing too. A friend from college is working on California now to study pronghorn populations and had an exciting (and hair raising) encounter in the field a few weeks ago: He said they were tracking up to the antelope's collar and noticed something seemed off when they were about 30 yards away- that's when they noticed the cat and their heart rates skyrocketed. They snapped a couple of pics while it remained motionless just staring at them and "got the flying fuck out of there." Spoiler: A couple more pics
This is when you know you have problems, I feel like I am about 35 jigs short of where I need to be for at trip this summer because I am missing blue and white and scrambled egg in 6x and 6x jr and DX
First bird of the year down! 9.5" beard, 1" & 1 3/16" spurs and weighed in at 23#. I had to work hard for that bird. Crossfit and tough mudder races don't have shit on what I did yesterday.
Congrats! Nice bird. Same- April 30th opening morning. I'm guessing it'll be warmer than last year, but who knows. So glad I don't have to test turkey loads in the shotguns again this year.
So the draw results came in for the elk season and it looks like I am now an archery hunter, this should be interesting as I have not hunted archery for a long time, the good new it is during the rut so you can get a horny bull in close and stick them.
Advances in crossbows have really blurred the line between "archery" and "rifle", at least for most of my hunting experience. Most of the areas I've hunted don't give you more than 100 yards for a shot anyway, so there wouldn't be much difference. Sure, there are the occasional 300 yard areas, but they're few and far between.
In my home state you can't use a crossbow unless you have a health exemption, durning archery season anyway. Rifle season anyone can use them.
I haven't shot a crossbow before, but I read your maximum distance on a deer may be 40-50 yards. Is that comparable to a compound bow? I'm not giving up my .270 yet for rifle season.
In cabo with my buddy and he got his first marlin today, after having me yelling at him, I was the leader guy on this one and it came up with the lure in his gills so we had to take him. Had sashimi tonight that was out of this world from striped marlin.