I have had a complete turn around from last season shooting. Two were in the same volley of three shots and the other was coming directly at me over ahead. Two birds from limiting this morning. This is on top of one I crushed yesterday. A few weeks ago I was one duck shy of limiting mallards. I think next year I’m going to invest more in a canoe or boat and much more time into proper scouting. We get plenty of migratory geese at our farm but all the ducks I think are local. When ever we find places along waterways we see a lot more variety.
They are protected under the migratory bird act. All that means is that the government regulates that hunting by creating seasons, selling restricted/controlled hunting licenses, etc, as opposed to just having a free for all.
Yes. There are many places where they are an overpopulated nuisance, so the limits are higher there. When I used to goose hunt in Texas, it started as 1 Specklebelly, 1 Canada, and 3 Snows (or Blue, which is a Snow variant). The next year it was 1, 1 and 5 Snows, and by the last year I went, it was 1, 1 and 10. I heard a few years later it was 1, 1 and unlimited. The Snows are smarter and harder to kill, and after migrating to Texas caused huge problems for rice farmers. I have no idea what the limits are these days. The Canada goose limit in Georgia during the season is 5. But, I think they taste terrible. I definitely prefer to Specklebelly.
WUT? The only waterfowl you can shoot more of than Canadians is Snow Geese. I mean they are migratory birds so if you fuck with them outside of hunting season you can be loved tenderly. We really dont get much variety in my neck of the woods. Id have been nice to score some more ducks. Curing them really helps. I brine cured a full goose for christmas and it was good. Snack sticks were pretty good too.
Canadian geese are geese that live in Canada. “Canada goose” is the name of the species. Snow geese have white heads. The geese in the picture are Canada geese. Also, I’ve eaten grilled Canada goose. I thought it was good- a bit tough and gamey but not bad.
Population control like Snow Geese. I am thinking about doing one of those big snow geese hunts guided just blasting into flocks of thousands of them. Sounds like it’d be a blast.
Kill as many Canadian geese as you can. They are a fucking plague, come in shit on everything and leave. They leave fields completely unless after they leave.