There will be an open bar. And since the brides grandmother has been dead a few years, seeing her grind to anything would be pretty awesome.
It'd be worth the exhumation. Like Weekend at Bernie's, only with the chicken dance. Bonus points if you animate the old bird's mouth and get her to officiate the wedding. In other news,
This happened just 35 minutes north of me so it's been all over the news here. Apparently there's a whole lot more to this story. The girl in question was a runaway at 13 and was used in a sex/human trafficking ring for almost two years, and only recently reentered school.
The majority of the people who knew him had no idea? How the fuck is that possible? I first saw a picture of the dude yesterday and just naturally assumed that.
Jesus Hudson Christ, this is sickening. People really don't fucking get it, do they?