My favorite drinking game while watching a movie is quite unorthodox. It was Clash of the Titans. Rules were as follows: Everytime a main character lifts an arm above their head. Chug for as long as the Kraken remains on screen. The arm thing was fun because they would be raising their arms and everyone would be like "here it comes..." and then they would set them down. The suspense, THE SUSPENSE!
One of my favorite drinking rules is Bull Moose. For the few of you who don't know bull moose, it's a fairly simple game. You can only drink with your left hand. If someone else playing sees you put your drink to your lips with your right hand, they can say bull moose and you have to finish your drink immediately. Bull moose works especially well at open bar functions. It's also practical, because you don't have to do the "switch drink to left hand, wipe condensation off right hand" move when you are introduced to someone.
Put on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, drink anytime someone says Fuck. 123 uses, little better than 1 per minute. There are movies with a lot more f bombs, but this one seems appropriate.
We call it Buffalo, but instead of just drinking with your left, you have to drink with your not-dominant hand (righties drink with their left, lefties with their right). It adds an element of memorization because if you call Buffalo on a lefty drinking with their right you have to finish your drink instead. Last year I got it called on me while drinking a near full margarita in my hand, thank god it was on the rocks. Later that night someone called it on me while I was completely plastered and had a beer in my left hand (I'm lefty). I laughed at him calling him an idiot for calling it on me while a beer was in my left hand. It took 2 minutes and 3 other people confirming to convince me that I am in fact lefty and had to chug the beer. Then we all went to a strip club, how I didn't get in any sort of trouble that night is beyond me.
Alright, this always happens, and I feel like there should be a name for it. You know, when people use a thread's focus to passive aggressively post a snarky response to another post? eg. FOCUS: Pet peeves Poster 1: Focus: People who talk on their cell phones going through the checkout at a store. It's just rude. Poster 2: Focus: Fucking ASSHOLES who get upset over the littlest things. Sometimes I have to take important calls at the Piggly Wiggly, alright? Maybe if you... uh, I mean, maybe if people who get upset over the littlest things had a job, they would understand. Poster 1: Focus: High and mighty cock-suckers who think they're sooo great because they have a job that requires them to take important phone calls. I shall call this... Thinly-veiled Internet Bickerers Intending To be Clever or Heroic If you see a TiBitch, take two drinks.
Some time during college, my friends bastardized an established drinking game into this (I don't know if it's a "thing" or just idiotic bullshit that we do): If you milk your drink or say something that makes you a pussy, anyone in the room has the right to declare "DRINK BITCH!", at which point you must respond "Aight", then immediately chug whatever is left in your cup, no matter what it is. Retaliation is absolutely permitted, and encouraged. Years later, the rules still apply. It may be the single lamest part of my life, but it damn sure makes casual work night drinking a lot more interesting.
We(read me) have a drinking game that is baised on my Mother-in-law. When she: didn't get dressed today-2 drinks Complains about her life being hard/politics/her dirty house-drink cleans the counter-drink gets another beer-2 drinks burns one down-drink says "totally"-everyone says "totally!", cheers and finishes thier drink when she goes to bed before you leave-drink Maybe that's why we haven't been over there in a while.