Hmm. Interesting idea. I can see how that would be handy. It turns out I do not have a fitting that will connect the shower to my irrigation stuff. I see they sell drip manifolds that are designed to connect to 1/2" irrigation risers. Some of them even have adjustable flow. It would be ideal to have the drips pointed the opposite direction for my particular use but it shouldn't cause me that much grief. So... this should fit my 1/2" shower head, right?
I LOVE it! I've been getting catalogues in the mail over the last few weeks. I already bought what few seeds I need but still, I turn the pages and salivate. Your collection has some interesting ones, for sure. Like that black eggplant. I've been steadily fixing up the germination racks in the shower stall. I got a few more popped seeds in dirt. Glad I started peppers insanely early because I killed a few at the get go and feel behind. I decided to start the kale earlier than I wrote on my list, since we just have 1 more cold spell coming. I figure I can get them going inside over the next couple weeks and then insulate them really well outdoors with straw so that the next short freeze in late Feb doesn't kill them. I want to get as much harvested from them before summer because I have some garden style musical chairs planned. I am starting them in egg containers, poked plenty of holes in them. They should fall apart a little as they become saturated with moisture but I want to be sure there is plenty of room for the roots to expand. Also planning on direct sowing some carrots and radishes this weekend in the big bags that will later hold summer squash and zucchini. Can you tell I'm over winter?
Some of the parts came in! I just attached one 1/4" line with a sprayer on the end so I can water things. I have plenty of line and misters to rig up something semi automatic later but this is all I have time for at the moment. Once the eye hooks come in I can hang my big light underneath. Think I'll keep more mature plants on the bottom so that the more major drainage isn't raining over everything.
Peppers are growing SO much better in this setup. I think the cold of last year's location stunted them. Kale was set outside to acclimate a bit today and will be planted outside soon. I thought about starting the swiss chard and spinach in egg crates like this but I'm gonna direct sow and cross my fingers. The seeds are fresh, it should be fine. I am not the biggest fan of outdoor starts, but I think my past gardening in AL scarred me on that. There were so many caterpillars and slugs around that would wreck my shit the second seeds germinated. Bugs aren't as bad here, especially early season. I planted some nasturtiums today inside too. They are a great companion plant and will draw away some pests. Some of my seeds are ancient so I fully expect one box to be a total failure, but I'd rather plant them to see rather than just tossing them out.
Nice job! I just got an email that my seed order is FINALLY being fulfilled and will be shipped out early next week. We'll see how it goes... I'm rethinking my seedling strategy a bit, and only doing peppers and tomatoes early... everything else will be seeds in the bed. I am looking to make a more permanent herb garden that can be easily transported inside/outside as weather happens. I'm really trying to keep cooking herbs available year round.
@Nettdata I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your indoor herb setup. I would also like to get something set up in the kitchen for herbs. I may have to purchase some extra lights.
Yeah, my home office reno is running WAY long so the ambitious plans I had for the indoor seedling setup Version 2.0 are on hold. For now, it's just re-using Version 1 and planting everything in big pots. I'll set up some sort of frame that will hold them in place outside on a rack similar to what I have now, but just to hold large pots rather than what I have now.
I know all about home Reno's running long. I tore out the carpet downstairs when I was pregnant and my kid is 9mo now. Just now reaching the end of it. That sounds like a good idea for a few permanent types. Maybe I could even construct some self watering planters so I wouldn't have to water reguarly.
The plan will be to have indoor and outdoor automatic watering for the big pots of herbs... but inside would have the automatic lighting/fans to go along with it, heat if required, and the outdoor would be a terraced rack with automatic watering. No need to worry about wind/light outside, obviously.
I guess your setup would be away from your kitchen where you have your indoor setup now? I'd like to set something up within easy reach while I cook. Maybe build a couple shelves with lights and self watering window box shaped planters. I'm not dead set on location yet though. I was hoping to take down the frame and shelves in the shower stall I'm currently using in the off season but maybe there won't be an off season...
Yeah, the setup would just reuse the existing space I have for my seedlings in the laundry room. I figure it's close enough... closer than going outside to get the herbs in the summer.
What would you guys recommend for a good online site to order garden ready vegetables from? I'm in the US. I don't have the space or setup currently to be starting seeds this year and I'm pretty narrowed in on what I actually want to grow so I want ready to go plants. This summer I'm putting together the greenhouse so I'll do seeds next year, but for now, it's garden ready. Would it be easier to find some local nursery or is online the way to go?
Local nursery is the way to go. They will have varieties suitable for your area and be more cost effective. The online stores charge a lot for plants and shipping is high, too. Often the shipping stresses the plants.
I know Burpee does plant shipping but it is holy nutballs expensive. I was looking and them and some others for fruit trees awhile back. The reviews were mixed on the condition of the plants upon arrival.
This is where I was going to get the from, seems to have decent reviews.