My wife loves garlic but it is starting to smell up the whole house, i was told i have to put it in the basement or something.
One of the youtubers i watch for bbq did some for a glaze for ribs, it looked so good i am like fuck it lets try.
Just ran across a new YT channel with some guy named Brad Leone. It's a little different than others, but I find it somewhat entertaining. He does a nice mix of cooking and field trips. His Buffalo Bills tailgate show was quite entertaining where he was going around serving oysters to tailgaters. He's kind of full on all the time, so I find small doses helps.
So..... I had the focaccia recipe all wrong. The recipe calls for 8 grams of yeast. The standard yeast packets are 7 grams. So, close enough right? Wrong. (The white bowl pic is 7 grams, the blue bowl pic is 8 grams) And as I read it, I was supposed to proof the bread for the 2nd time in the fridge and then straight into the oven. Also wrong. 2nd proof should be a normal style rise. Took the revised loaves to a buddy's Thanksgiving and people who didn't know that I made/brought the bread were "OMG, this bread is so good!!" and "Where did you get this bread? It's amazing!"
Man oh man... I just made one of the tastiest dishes I've ever made. Pork, chicken, prawns, scallops, shallots, all fried up in olive oil with a couple of red chili peppers sliced up and some dried red peppers... lots of garlic, ginger, and a bit of cayenne pepper, with some sun dried tomatoes... added some butter and white wine... a can of diced tomatoes... and then a bunch of pink peppercorn gin hot sauce, followed by some heavy cream and a bunch of shredded Parmesan cheese. All over some small egg noodle nests. Holy fuck was it tasty. Even worse, it was a quick late night snack I whipped up because I didn't have any "real" dinner.
My wife has done that a few times. She has been like we had protein in the fridge but nothing to really make it with. So I took what ever we had laying around hope it tastes good. And it has been fucking delicious.
I served with Mike, posting his food page for some exposure: Please give it a look and try a few recipes
Does anyone have any insight on how to make a venison tenderloin? I’m not a bad cook and have ideas but I’ve never cooked one before. It’s been marinating for a day and my plan was to pat dry, wrap in par cooked bacon, grill indirect to 120 and then sear the hell out of it to 130 and pull and rest. Is that a solid plan?
Yep, I'd say that works. It's a very lean and dry cut of meat, so you definitely don't want to overcook it. If you wrap it in bacon, odds are the bacon will be crispy by the time you're ready to sear, so searing it might not be needed. I'd just be worried about burning the crap out of the bacon at the end. I'd be tempted to pre-sear it, then wrap it in bacon, then finish it to final temp and let it rest for 10-15 mins at the end. You could even render some bacon fat and then sear it in a pan in that bacon fat, then wrap it in bacon, then cook it in indirect heat until you're ready to pull it off and rest it.
I should also say that it depends on how thick the tenderloin is, too... that will have a huge impact on how long it takes to cook. If you take too long searing it, it might just cook through at that point, if it's thin enough, so be sure to sear it super high heat and fast.