If the venison is done before the bacon is cooked, then I'd grab a torch if you have one, and then finish off the bacon with that. It'll sear/fry the surface without really cooking the tenderloin itself. I do this a lot to finish off a roast to get a nice crispy crust on it. I have one of these type of things, and it works great for lighting the BBQ or searing stuff, especially with sous vide.
I think I’ve got the idea. Have an instaread thermometer so cook to 135 however that works and pull it. Go with science instead of feelings.
Turned out pretty good for a first time. The ends got a little overcooked but the bulk of the meat hit the level of rare I wanted. Solid Sunday afternoon after a wild weekend.
Got a free 120 eggs this week due to a costco delivery screwup. Making a few pickled eggs as a result. They smell amazing, and can’t wait a couple weeks to give them a try!
I went through a pickled-egg making period. We’d eat them on Garage Night, and I’d bring jars of them to the bar and give them away. It’s fun to fuck around with different recipes and it’s easy to do. I even tried duck eggs and quail eggs. Quail eggs are NOT worth the effort.