I had this flour delivered via FedEx from Toronto (2 hour drive away), and it was still cheaper than half the volume with a local pickup.
I ordered a 10lb bag of KA flour off Amazon last week (regular Amazon, not Whole Foods). Came in about 4 days.
level up with some actual pretzel salt. That's what I use and it makes a world of difference. AmericanSpice is a great website as well, lots of cool stuff, quick shipping
I'm going to look harder and see if there's a way. I started a search this morning and all the potential places within a couple hours are for equipment, not ingredients. Flour is shippable though. That'll have to be a last resort. It's expensive as shit from what I'm looking at. Like $24 for a 10lb sack. I'm not that desperate yet. There's a new budget grocery place in town that I was actually really excited about before all this Covid shit hit. Opened up March 7. I've been to their locations in the surrounding areas and they have weird and cool items for super budget prices ($.99 quart sized kefir? Yes please!) plus all your staples. I follow them on fb and they've made a couple posts about having flour, or having TP a few times. If I get desperate enough I'll send my husband to get some from there. I just really don't want to physically be in stores right now.
Not sure how picky you are when it comes to flour, but you can order 20 lbs of walmart brand all purpose flour online right now.
Ding ding! You're the winner! I didn't think to look there, thanks for the idea. I'm looking now and can get pretty much all their regular stock for delivery over $35. 2 5lb pack of Pillsbury bread flour for $5.90 looks pretty good to me. A lot of stuff is out of stock but I think I can make this work. I tried being clever and ordering TP from the regular walmart.com site and it said "in store only" but didn't even think about looking for flour there.
I should clarify - I didnt order it as a 10lb bag. I ordered two 5lb bags (totaled $9.49) and they sent me 1 10lb bag.
Ah. Well regardless, it all works out. Thanks for the help you guys. I ended up buying 45lbs (3x5lbs x3) of Pillsbury bread flour off the Walmart site for $24.48. I couldn't get all purpose but I'm mostly baking breads anyway so it works out for me.
Hm, not sure why you'd get an error. I do think that the in stock/out of stock does depend on region still, based on what the regional distribution centers have in stock. The GV 20lb AP flour you mentioned wasn't even an item on my list, and all brands of AP flour was sold out. I'm in the west, aren't you in the E/SE?
Oki doki, gave the pretzels another go. Wrapped that same pretzel recipe around some slightly browned conecuh sausage and served it with an aged white cheddar beer dip. Went a little crazy with the salt. Easy enough to brush off though. Hnnnnng.
So hot off Covid panic food buying I decided to use some of the SPAM we've collected. I had always heard Hawaiians love the stuff I decided Id search out one of their recipes to cook. I guess the most popular dish is just a nigri style sushi with the SPAM as the protein and wrapped to the rice with nori. Didn't seem exotic enough so I found a random dish "inspired" by Hawaiian love for spam. Enter this recipe for SPAM with mango and pineapple. It is fucking GOOD. I added Shrimp and rice (didn't do the Balsamic Glaze but Im sure that's great with it too). You could probably add half a dozen other little things to punch it up more, Cilantro or Lime Juice. It is also visually appealing, bright colors. It took 20 minutes to cook up a full weeks worth. It is not low carb friendly but it might become one of my top in my batting order. Ive been trying to find recipes that don't take much time for meal prepping. Meatloaf is a constant go to because it takes 5 minutes to prep and is done cooking in under and hour. It gets boring though. Got me to thinking what else you guys do that is dead fucking simple and taste amazing?
I found out how easy it is to make paneer so I had to make my favorite Indian dish - saag paneer. And since hubs isn't a fan of meatless dinners I made coconut rice and butter chicken as well. It all turned out super tasty. That saag paneer will be added to the usual rotation. This is the first time I actually used cheesecloth to make some sort of cheese. Please excuse the shitty potato phone quality.
just do spam and rice. Super easy to dress up, and tasty too. It also has a really cool history. I'm not so much a fan of spam itself, but I like cooking with things that have a story behind them (hence me starting a garden -- victory gardens used to be a big deal).
If you want some real Hawaiian cuisine, try making loco moco. The recipes I see online use ground beef but I'm more familiar with it as a breakfast food. Fried eggs over rice with brown gravy, sometimes fried spam is in there too. It's supposed to be pretty good but I never actually tried it.
It’s delicious and tastes like a heart attack. They consider it breakfast food because after you eat it you can’t do shit for the rest of the day.
My neighbor spoils the shit out of me. She packaged up all the ingredients for me yesterday so I could assemble today and fry my own egg. She even supplied the sesame seeds. Fresh spinach with lots of fresh squeezed lime juice, topped with a ton of guacamole (I had to get her recipe because it was the brightest and freshest guac I think I've ever had), topped with an egg fried in sesame seeds, topped with an apple and plantain fritter. I would never have put these ingredients together but HOLY FUCK, so good.
So I tried smoking some brisket today, which is something I have never tried or done before. It turned out ok, was a little too dry, but managed to get a good smoke to it, and make it tender which I'm happy with. I smoked it for around 4 hours at 225F, then wrapped and smoked for another 4 hours before leaving it to rest for an hour. There was an issue part way through with the wrap, meaning I lost alot of liquid which I think contributed to the dryness. Still not too bad for my first attempt. I now have another one coming in a couple weeks.