The baked tofu was a success. It's good enough to eat for snacks by itself, seasoned however you like.
Homemade bagels are easy and delicious. I'm sure google is tailoring my search results because I've used the site in the past, but I am seeing a lot of recipes on this sallysbakingaddiction site that turn out really good. These were made from a recipe there.
I've been making an effort to improve my sourdough bread game and it is starting to pay off. My DIY bread lame really improved the look of the loaf. I'm starting to get a nice round loaf and am getting a feel for the process overall. Still want to advance more with the aesthetics but at least I am getting the basics down. Here's a roasted garlic sourdough boule.
That is 100% sellable, and you'd have a lineup wanting it. Nice job! We NEEED to see it cut open though!
You are too kind! It's actually kind of a long running dream to open my own eatery and coffee shop. People sell food on the marketplace around here but it's usually Mexican food. I could try listing some of my goodies and see what happens. This loaf is actually for my neighbor's household, since their grandmom just had surgery and my neighbor is her main caretaker. I'm making a sauerkraut meatball soup to go with this. I'll make another loaf and cut her open for ya.
Sourdough is all about timing, and sometimes I am just not able to get to it. I'm starting to learn cause an effect on technique and outcome. Doing a double feed on the starter seems like the key to a proper high rise during baking. The loaf I baked for my neighbor was the best looking loaf I've made and I fed the starter twice before using. Sourdough with fresh basil, roasted garlic, rosemary and kosher salt. Cut it when it was hot because it was time for dinner but I took a pic of it cooled down too. It didn't rise as much as I wanted. Tasted super great. Roasted garlic sourdough. Most of the garlic ended up in the crust on this loaf, and it didn't rise as much as I wanted. Tried to used rice flour to cut a contrasting design on top but most of it blew off and the cuts look fucky. The crumb was a little better and more open on this one.
I'll definitely try that when I get some jalapenos in from the garden. I have a good jalapeno beer bread recipe I used to make. Wonder if I could replace the water with beer in this sourdough recipe...
I've got a pretty wicked addiction going right now for chicken salad at lunch. I find myself eating it about five days a week. What's your recipes or secret ingredients in y'all's chicken salad? I usually do a pretty simple one, but I'm looking to expand. Chicken, mayo, cajun seasoning, thyme, crumbled bacon, diced cucumber, pepper. Y'all got anything I need to try. I'll try about anything but onions, those are disgusting.
Smoked paprika really brings some complex flavours to it. Some like it, some don’t. I love it, personally.
So these aren't the exact recipes, just main ingredients listed, but there was a place that did chicken salad exclusively and I seem to recall their buffalo chicken salad was pretty damned good. Could use these menu items as a start to a google search if one of them sounds good to you.[inside-spread].pdf Unfortunately mayonnaise based salads are banned here. I could probably cheat with a ranch based one like once a year. Thanks... now I really want chicken salad.
No shit, I hadn't eaten chicken salad in years, until the wife wanted some one day a couple weeks ago. Now I can't stop. It's got to be better than some lunch options though, even with the mayo. What are we talking about on a sandwich, a tablespoon, tops?
I'm a total fatty and like mayo. Not buckets of it but I'll scrape some on a sandwich or whatnot. Hubs is the culprit here. Any kind of mayo based chicken/egg/tuna salad, he's just not into. I'll make a tuna and egg salad for myself on occasion because I like it and have a ton of eggs to burn but making double meals gets old so it doesn't happen often.
Fresh dill and varied nuts. I used hickory nuts and black walnuts the last two times I made it. Each gave a great flagrant notes.
I love chicken salad, also eat it several days a week, and get my fix by going through the Chicken Salad Chick drive-thru. My favorite is the Kickin' Kay Lynne. Copycat recipe here:
Learned a new term. "Bound salad." That would be all these mayo based dishes like chicken, fish, egg, and potato salads. Thought you might like to know.
I make chashu pork for ramen MAYBE twice a year. And every time I forget that braising the shit out of pork belly makes my whole house smell like braised pork belly for days, which is nice while it's cooking and then not very nice immediately afterwards. On the other hand, it's resting overnight in the braising liquid (sake, soy, sugar, ginger, garlic and green onion) and tomorrow we are going to have a ramen feast. Do you guys all have better ventilation in your kitchens than I do? Or do you just have different feelings about residual meat smell in your house?
I intentionally upgraded my exhaust fan to get me some more CFM. (Cubic Feet per Minute). Most shitty default fans run you about 250CFM. A _REALLY_ good one from a box store will hit 650 or so. Because I like to pan sear steaks in cast iron on the stove occasionally (AKA "fogging the beaches at Normandy"), I went out a few years ago and got a high-end one that is 1200 CFM at high speed. Fire that fucker up, and crack a window, and you'd better tie down the cat or he's going for a ride.