If that's not a thread topic, I don't know what is! I've never even HEARD of boobs hockey, but it sounds awesome. I mean, I don't know if it's hockey played with boobs instead of pucks, or the boobs are essential equipment to the game. Either way, I'm willing to give it a watch.
Y'all wanna talk about shitty instructors vs skilled ones? I can go for days. Hours based programs can suuuuuck my asshole. We can also talk about home remodeling and what fuckery these asshats before me have done to this goddamn house. Side note: I would make a horrible college student. These assholes are killing every hope I have for the future of humanity. And I'm just in hair school.
My first internship in college was being the Director of Marketing for a MLM startup oriented towards guys... yeah I got to create my own title. They no longer do parties through learning the hard way how guys don't buy stuff like that and are mainly focused now on selling product they used to source direct for the MLM shit- in particular meat, and through grocery stores and food trucks now. At the time the party stuff was a mix of legit grilling tools (the heaviest most durable tongs ever, for example), gimmicky dumb "manly" stuff, and meat for the grill. My sales pitch was "If you can grill it we sell it, if it helps you grill it we sell that, and if it helps beer while you grill it we sell that too." It is hilarious reading the news reports on them now, knowing what I do about how they wound up in this position. There were a dozen employees when I started and when I quit six months later there were four. My job used to be running their farmers market stand and vending at festivals and concerts in addition to sales (signing up reps) and warehouse stuff, I went from working 30 to 80-100 hour weeks in a month. I didn't feel awful about the business itself because most of the products were legitimately concerned and it wasn't a scam- you The business was tanking because the MLM sales never took off and were never really profitable, and the CEO turned good employees into sour cynical former employees. He made a lot of empty promises and established himself as a spineless selfish tool. I do miss being able to make sales calls while wearing a cutoff tee and gym shorts, sipping on a beer, but I appreciate having some semblance of leadership and appreciation for workers at my current employer now and still wish the CEO of that damned company gets herpes.
FOCUS: Amway are a horrid company, as others have already mentioned in this thread, but their washing powder is pretty awesome. I use it, in combination with Vanish liquid, to kill off the really stubborn stains like oil and pen ink, in every load of laundry, including cold water stuff in the bucket, and so far in the 3 years I have been using it, I have only had it fail on me once - one shirt was too badly stained to be saved and that shirt went into the bin. Their Zoom cleaner is also quite effective - I used it for cleaning the hob above the stove. Burned my hands a bit but it removed the grease build-up and didn't strip the paint. I'd never get involved with their sales stuff. I'd just go to the Amway store, buy my washing powder and Zoom and be on my way.
A friend of mine is a acupuncturist. Apparently she was getting a lot of fat people coming in asking if acupuncture can make them lose weight. Hint: It can not. So she decided to get in on this alleged "weight loss" coffee pyramid scheme. I went to one of the sessions they offered with a "higher up rep" as the guy is going around asking us if we want to lose weight I go "actually, I'm looking to bulk," He didn't know what to do and said "well actually this coffee also promotes muscle growth and weight gain." I asked for the explanation of the science. I did not get one.
I just know that there is one group of people you should never ask to join Pyramid schemes. Spoiler: Yup Jews Credit to Garry Schandling