Oh, and remember that dine-and-dash chick from Toronto that Black Jesus found, Erin Wotherspoon? That uber-entitled chick that relentlessly brags about using men for their wallets for expensive dates? Well to our fellow dudes from New York City and Area, guess who is coming to your neck of the woods: So the invite is legitimately open, boys. Go for it.
Well, here I thought I had accomplished something with my life at 25, but neither owning a condo nor having published any books, I sure feel like a complete failure now.
I.......honestly have no clue on how people think or act this way find it acceptable behavior. Just die horribly already.
And hey, look at that - turns out all you need to do to publish a book these days is sit a monkey in front of a computer and upload the manuscript to a free website.
It's probably no big deal. You should post it here so we can tell you whether or not you should be concerned. Does this sort of thing happen a lot? Because that kind of makes me want to get a Facebook, um account? Site? What's it called?
Help me understand. Is she so self absorbed she REALLY thinks people give a shit about her typical, boring life? Or, the answer I am leaning toward, is her ego so out of whack her constant need for validation is the only thing that keeps her tenuous grasp on reality? I can't decide. Both just make me feel sad. I want to sit her down, over a nice glass of cocoa, and ask her how shitty her life is. Her therapist must be well paid. That, or one step from garroting her with piano wire.
Yeah, well I've produced two CD's and published a book like that, and I can assure you that no one is impressed. And they shouldn't be.
I normally roll my eyes and think that Crown is off on another one of his tangents, but having discovered that sloptart's story a few months back, I had the exact same reaction. She's magnificently self absorbed for the stupidest of reasons.
Okay, I've been getting lots of questions and comments about this. Yes, based on some things I've heard, it does happen, so well worth it. And it wasn't a horrible picture per se, just not appropriate for facebook. I had a shirt on, just in my underwear. I thought I could edit, then post, but it posts, and then you can edit it. I brain farted it. And as someone so kindly pointed out, my daughters' friends could see it as well. I like to think I suffered enough on Sunday when my shadow asked me if I was done eating because he had just taken the bag out of the garbage and he'd need to put another one in if I was going back for more. It was all free! How could I turn it down? And delicious, so so delicious. To top it all off, tomorrow is my oldest's last swim meet ever. They recognize the seniors and have them walk around the pool with their parents. And all I'm thinking is tile, water and heels do NOT go well together. The kind of week I'm having, I'm expecting a faceplant to make an appearance at some time. I'm also expecting there will be video if it does happen. And I want to go on record as saying I'm sorry for mentioning the 17 year old. You guys are weirdly fascinated with that between rep and comments. This is a funny video. A guy was picking up his kid from school and kids kept slipping on the ice. So he filmed it. The best part is when his daughter gets in the car, they both watch and laugh. The dude also has a great laugh.
This past week the big ants have been invading the bathroom. Usually this is very annoying, but our cat we got last year has been taking care of them for me. Every time she hoovers one up I sing, "Another one bites the dust." She's very happy to have a new pastime - before the weather got too cold her favorite thing was chase the moths that came in every time we opened the back door.
In one of my graduate classes I'm the only guy in the room which has around 30 people. I'm starting to realize the worst place to hit on a girl/women (when does a girl become a woman anyway?) is in a room full of women. I thought it was going in it'd be easy, I thought the numbers were on my side, but it seems like everyone is watching each other and judging. I've had better luck picking up nurses in the NeurcoICU. Its insane.
I was going to wait until the weekend to get hammered but tonight seems like as good a night as any after all the bullshit of the last week and a half.
I thought the same thing when I was ultrasound school. I still hooked up with one of them which was a huge mistake, but I had never dealt with such an army of bitches in my life. They actively excluded me from study groups and then hated me more when I was got better grades than all of them. All because the falling out with the girl I fucked was nasty. And then hated me even more when I had 2 job offers before school was even finished. I have zero remaining friends from that program.
Working in an all women environment is nuts. Even I have been reduced to the high school gossip level absurdity that goes on at my work. The one guy who came in when new owners bought the place told he that he'd been in market research for years and just sort of shakes his head at the level of shit you'll see.
I just realized that I have something in common with the people scratching their head over the Benedict Cumberbatch mania. I feel the same way about Nathan Fillion. He seems like a cool dude, is handsome in a generic way, and is perfectly enjoyable in the roles I've seen him in. But literally every time someone squees about him, I get irritated. Granted, I haven't yet seen him in the role he is most known for, but I've seen him in enough other things that I just don't get the big deal. I suppose when I do get around to seeing Firefly I'll get it, but honestly all the fancrushing on him is making me NOT want to see it.
Nathan Fillion is honestly one of the funniest dudes alive. He is hilarious in interviews, wrote most of his amazing dialogue for Slither: Little Boy: "What's a vagina?" Fillion: " It's a country. Where...Vaginese people are from! Learn to eavesdrop, kid!" ...watch that movie if you have a strong stomach. It's amazing.