Did you lose momentum half way through and she thought fuck it, this is the last time, I can't stand this anymore? Don't worry, it happens to some guys.
Yeah no shit. I not only need to know details, but how the fuck that's even possible. Usually you break off with somebody when it's appropriate like on a roller coaster or Christmas Eve, but this... OUT WITH IT!!! By the way, Gold Medal game in 35 minutes who's awake?
I am. I've already been to one job, walked my dog, done the grocery shopping and folded a load of laundry. I am currently listening to 'More Human Than Human' and avoiding the Olympics. No, ladies, the line forms to the right. Don't fight.
I've got an S themed 21st next weekend. Any suggestions? I've already been told I can't go as a Sperm, unfortunately
I was unaware blue moons was polarizing. It is a fancy beer to those that will sit around and argue about what is better: Budweiser, Coors, Miller, Blue, Canadian, etc. I can give you a good answer. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME FUCKING BEER. To those people Blue Moon is good. It is a baby step up from those beers. Miller Coors brews it. It is a dumbed down craft beer engineered to taste good for the masses that like domestic swill. No flavor, no alcohol, nothing good. The people that drink it think they are drinking a craft beer. I should change the above because I get too passionate about beer. To the craft beer community, Blue Moon is not good. It is not a good hefe and doesn't taste all that great. To the domestic beer fan it is amazing, because it has such a simple taste compared to other offerings.
Blue Moon is not that bad. It's just an easy target as no man should be drinking beer with fruit garnished all over it. Now Hoegarden is a skunky hefe. Damn does that shit have a nasty aftertaste
I'm not automatically lumping you into the group, but after working for 3 years in the beer industry, there is no bigger group of self important blowhards than the "craft beer community". Somewhere along the way, they negociated the acquisition of snobby condescion for brands away from hipsters, so hipsters were content with PBR and retro brands, and the craft beer community could like the indie bands of the beer world and shit on any manufacturer with distribution larger than an 20 mile radius from the brewery. Beers are shitty unless they are twice brewed from monk's tears and feature 17 different varieties of hops. There are the gunners at beer conventions or events lobbing smug or aggressive questions or comments at brewmasters from major breweries acting like they don't do know anything anymore cause they produce more than 10000 barrels a year while Harry Homebrew is a more true beer fan cause he loves triple hops IPAs and brews his own pumpkin stout at home in the fall. Its just obnoxious. Not everyone wants some dense porter or a stout made in bourbon barrels, but that doesn't automatically mean they have no palatte and think Coors Light is as good as beer gets. Blue Moon is a tasty beer with an accessible flavor that is different than what people may be used to drinking. For what its worth, it started as a craft beer brewed in at Coors Field and not much has changed other than massive distribution (unlike the Goose Island products which taste markedly different post AB acquisition.) And its witbier, not a hefe, if we're speaking technically.
I like beer that tastes good. Sometimes I'm in the mood for blue moon, and I'll never turn one down. Their seasonals are especially good. Just because it's sold everywhere and lacks complex flavors and crap doesn't make it bad. I also enjoy coors, and right now I'm drinking a miller lite. I simply can't afford to drink micro brews all the time at $8-10 a six pack. If I could afford to stock my fridge with those, I would.
I take lots of shit from my buddies because I usually drink cheap ass light beer, mainly because I can't afford craft brew prices. That being said I agree that the snobbery that comes with craft beers is just as bad if not worse than wine snobs. I like Flying Dog beer but I know people that won't touch the stuff anymore because they feel the owner "sold out" by having distribution in multiple states. I like stout as much as anyone but it isn't everyones cup of tea, friend of mine came over with a growler of jalapeno stout and it was the worst thing I have ever tasted, who puts jalapeno in a beer?
I may put some lemon in my Kolsch and lime in my Hamm's if I feel like it, real men do whatever the fuck they want. I love grapefruit juice and vodka, I've thought about adding an IPA to that mix. Last night my girlfriend and I got a takeout feast from a local Afghani place and then she got high for the first time. It was fun.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5-ways-modern-men-are-trained-to-hate-women.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5- ... women.html</a> Worth reading. Nothing is worse than a beer hipster. The Girlfriend makes her return today to rid me of the Accursed Bunny, who is plotting my demise. This little bastard runs laps around her cage and has adopted the delightful habit of kicking nuggets of food/bunny shit across the floor in what I can only assume is her form of hockey. I got three hours of sleep because of her and when I feed her she grunts and attacks me. Now that the Olympics are concluding, I believe Americans, Canadians and Koreans can all agree collectively and say "Fuck Russia, and your corrupt bullshit."
I like my beer to say, I'm better than you. Thats why I drink Quads, Triple IPA's and Trappist Brews. If you try to hand me a Coors Light I'll punch you in the face.
People's attitudes towards beer is funny. On the one hand, there'll be people who take pride in drinking shitty beer because "I can't taste the difference" or calling anyone who likes nice things a hipster or a snob or calling into question the characters of these hipster-snobs. On the other hand, how many people say "I only date fat chicks, they're cheaper to date and I can't tell the difference between them and the supposedly hot ones". Or "I only eat McDonald's, I can't tell the difference between that and prime rib". Or "I only have sex in one position. What's the point of any of the others? Your dick is in her pussy, what difference could it possibly make what angle it goes in?". Or "I only go to one restaurant, I don't see the point of trying anything new". And then on the third, radiation-induced hand, this board will veer wildly from "FUCK ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME!" to "Hey, man, live and let live! Let other people do whatever the fuck they want, no skin off my back" seemingly without any pattern as to which subject gets scorn and which gets ambivalence.
Genuinely though, my favorite beer is probably Racer 5, my after hockey beer is Molson Canadian. The only beers I really hate are sours and spicy beers. If I can find it on tap Hop Head Red is pretty amazing. I tend to like red IPA's. Quads and really strong stouts are tough too. I've had a lot of Avery's high ABV beers, and they taste like alcoholic syrup. Fine for a sip, but really hard to drink a whole bottle. Basically anything over 9% is too much, they just get too thick and sweet at that point.