Just a quick correction, it's After Burner, not After Burning. Along with those already mentioned: Silent Scope Street Fighter III: Third Strike Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder Virtual On (A little known cabinet mech game. Loads of fun.) Dungeons and Dragons: Shadows over Mystara Heavy Barrel Metal Slug U.N. Squadron Aero Fighters NFL Blitz R-Type Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Raiden Trad
I meant Burner, My phone corrected it wrong. That game was chaos, and it was in an awesome hydraulic tanning bed. DRAGON'S LAIR!! Fuck. I used to play that game just to die, I'd laugh my ass off as a little kid. Does anybody remember the game that was a side-scrolling shooter (like R-Type) where you flew a biplane and shot dinosaurs? I'd say around 1991, 1992 area maybe?
John_b with a fast answer: the game is Prehistoric Isle 1930. Loved that one, it goes in the arcade. Just so we're clear: FUCK Battletoads jet ski level. The migraine of all migraines. Tougher than the springs on Donkey Kong.
My roommate set up his PS4 down on the main level of our house for awhile so he could play with his back to the fireplace and the most popular thing we've been playing is some simple stupid pinball game that requires three buttons. It's awesome. Sam Adams has their spring sampler pack out already. What the hell? We've got at least two feet of snow built up in most of the backyard. After shoveling the ice off the end of my neighbor's driveway, the snow next to it was over 6' tall. It's not going to look like spring for another two months. At least the majority of the beer varieties are good, the winter sampler was disappointing.
The simplest games can and still rock the shit. Mike Tyson's Punch Out and Tecmo Super Bowl for 8-bit Nintendo are still like cocaine when you start playing them. Me and a friend on the night before he gets married fired it after a few years and next thing you know we're half way through the season and its the middle of the night. Of COURSE he Bo Jackson's it up so I go for the tag-team teabagging of Otis Anderson and David Meggett.
I use the 8-track for obscurity. It was actually the first time I'd touched a video game in years. I'd rather play with real guns. I'm really not into the more complicated controllers and stuff, as dumb as that sounds. I know I could get better if I tried but in the short run it gets frustrating fast, and the simple games are just easy. My roommate sits in his room and plays that shit nonstop, I'd rather get work done. My parents never got us new game controllers when I was growing up, like we got an original Nintendo and then I got an N64 both nearly a decade after they were introduced. Goldeneye 007... now we're talkin.
Anyone use Chrome? Is there a way to get a recently visited site drop-down list like in IE and Firefox?
I want to throw out a "nerd alert!" but I'm patiently waiting for the comic strip talk to start and then for VI to mention his coin collection. Timing is important.
Haha. I've been so busy lately walking dogs, I haven't had time for it. In good news, I was off this weekend (for the first two days in a row off since September), and I pulled out my penny collection yesterday and mentioned to my wife that I want to go to the coin store today to get a 1909 S penny. That will leave me with one coin to obtain to complete the set. I also purchased the Silver Proof 'America the Beautiful' Quarter sets for 2013 and 2014. So I'm back, baby. It appears my workload has decreased to reasonable amounts, so I'll get back to the whole point of my having a part time job, which was writing. Looking very forward to that.
Monday night has been spent drinking Old Fashioned's and watching Taxi Driver (for the 1st time, unbelievably). Quite enjoyable on both counts so far.
CNN has fired Piers Morgan. Thank the fuck Christ. There has never been a more hackey and agenda-driven interviewer out there. Article
On the far right side is three lines, click on that and it will have a bunch of options that includes history and recent tabs. Most of the time if I remember part of the URL, I'll just type in the part I remember and it will crop up with any URLs that I've visited in the past with that string of letters, starting with the ones visited most frequently. for instance, I can start to type in pancake and it will populate with the pancake recipe I use frequently because the word pancake is in the URL. For this site, I literally just have to type in t and it will populate with the idiot board. When I type in f, facebook is the first option.
Just remembered this beast of a game. I don't think anyone actually knew how to play as much as they just moved the sticks as much as possible hoping to land some shots. Shit would get heated in a heartbeat playing this but it was so much fun.
This was only late last year. I'd say cricket balls are actually harder than baseballs (I have played both), and that guy was bowling at speeds of at least 140 km/h or 85 mph (which is an estimate - he could bowl at 160km/h or 99 mph, but has since retired). The bowler actually copped a bit of flak in the media afterwards for bowling so much at the body, and so fast. If you listen to the commentators in the background, one is telling him to hold back after the 2nd ball. No fucks were given.
I think if CNN were to replace his normal show with one where they pelt him with various sporting implements, like Jai lai, and tennis, cricket, baseball and softball, or even hockey people would watch it more than any other show.