I don't know much about the guy, but I have a close friend who seemed to be pretty impressed that a British journalist had a spot on an American TV network. He made it sound like a rare kinda-big deal
Maybe next he can throw on goalie gear and report on what it feels like to face a Shea Weber slap shot. Remember, Weber shots so hard he can literally shoot it through the net.
Yeah... not really. I never watched Morgan's show because virtually everything he says annoys me in some way or another. Will his firing from CNN mean he's been silenced? Doubtful.
CNN sucks ENTIRELY. They interrupt climate change discussions to update on Bieber's arrest and Morgan is just one of many losers that work for them.
It's not just CNN but all headline news networks suck horrible horrible amounts of diseased cock, particularly daytime programing. Unfortunately the only thing that gets them even decently horrible ratings is sensationalized George Zimmerman trial type bull shit. It aint getting any better any time soon either.
I think Rick Sanchez was the worst, I hope he gets macheted by a Guatemalan murder party. The problem is that they (and other TV networks) don't hire people with education the fields that they report.
I didn't. I just remember after the Sandy Hook shooting, I heard some interviews in my car on the CNN satellite channel and I wanted to reach through the speakers and strangle him.
My favorite thing about Olbermann's show was that half of it was dedicated to hatred of Bill O'reilly. His worst people of the week list was regularly Bin Laden, Kadafi and O'reilly. Oreilly may have been doing the same back at Olbermann (haven't watched O'relly in years), I have no clue who started the feud.
Yeah, they've all gone to the infotainment TV news magazine format. There actually was a time when CNN was THE channel you wanted to be watching when shit went down, because the coverage was non-stop, accompanied by little or no opinion-based commentary, and they showed everything, no matter how gruesome. One of the first news events that had me glued to the screen watching CNN was the Sadat assasination. Then 14-year-old Misanthropic was mesmerized watching Egyptian leaders stumbling around looking for blown-off arms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hKSw4lDhtao Disclaimer: I know this isn't CNN footage, but it's what i could find quickly. ABC only showed this clip on the late night news, but CNN showed it all day, repeatedly, and with many more scenes of limbless Egyptians.
Agree with those suggesting Golden Tee, Punch Out, Galaga and Ms. Pac Man. Of course, I used to play Space Invaders, Centipede and Defender, which y'all are all too young to remember, but I would definitely bring back this one:
O'Reilly is catching tons of shit from the hardcore right for saying Obama is a patriot. His next book is entitled, "Killing My Career."
Yea, its never good to bite the hand that feeds you. Its almost like a Pastor saying he supports the right to choose.
Speaking of incredible nudity in twisted films . . . I just finished reading Gone Girl. I knew about the two leads, but I waited until I was done to look up the cast in the movie. I see that Emily Ratajkowski appears as Andie. David Fincher directing - that should be a good combination.
So I guess a bunch of people in Atlanta are trying to organize a protest shunning Biebs from moving there. Actual fucking quote: You live in fucking Atlanta. Explain how you don't already feel that way, all the time, even while you're asleep. You live in a city with horrible people growing on trees, and a 100 pound pussy scares you? Please .