I did the same thing. I had an emergency roadside kit, and my own sleep-in-the-car kit. No booze, though.
Are you Peter Pan? I got red dotted to hell on the old board when I said that my Mom had two brothers on her social work case load named Orangejello and Lemonjello (Oh-Ron-Jah-Low and Leh-Mon-Jah-Low), even though I saw the case files. The La-a one is an old urban legend as well. Maybe people are going to snopes for naming inspiration? Or at least only slightly to the left. I enjoy those social tics people aren't aware they have. Like the pro athlete I heard on the radio who ended every single sentence with "Know what I mean?" I had an instructor who was teaching us a virtual machine/server class who used the word actual/actually 163 times before lunch. I know because I kept a tally. Is everyone on the board doing acid lately? Which is not to say that I disagree... Her description of depression is maybe the most poigniant comic ever. She put out a book a while ago that was unfortunately about 80% recycled from her website, but still worth it. The dog stories kill me. I don't think I've ever gone home to MN and not had at least one of those. Simple, but my favorite beer. Joust The Simpsons Arcade Game Police Trainer/Area 51 Spy Hunter for old school driving Rush 2049 for more up to date driving (I put hundreds of dollars into that game while stationed at Great Lakes) Not entirely. Robin Meade is a total smokeshow. So, are we ever gonna get an update to the broke-up-with-during-sex story? Just in case anyone was wondering, the trip home was fantastic. The girl and I sparked like crazy in person, and her kid likes me too. We did have sex in the car, but not at the airport. Outside the comedy club on my birthday before going in to meet my brother and his wife. Good stuff. Pretty sure I'm gonna marry this one.
My freshman algebra teacher said "mmmkay" just like Mr Mackey on South Park. I decided to count it one day with one of those clicker counters. I think I stopped at 85 in the first hour of the class. His other favorite saying was: "No problems? No questions? No questions, no problems, mmmkay...."
I thought it was an urban legend until I read it on a paper with my own two eyes. I recently met up with a buddy who teaches at a charter school in the lowest income area here and he has a student this year named "Your Highness." At least it's pronounced that way. He actually has to say shit like "Sit down, Your Highness." I think the people doubting the wacky names just don't work in or know someone in education or social work. PS glad the lady friend worked out, sounds like fun.
So today in one of my classes there was a map on the US being shown on a Powerpoint. It was displaying general data regarding social capital in each state. A girl who was sitting next to me asked where Colorado was on the map. She lives in Colorado and doesn't know where it is... She didn't grow up here, she moved here in the past year from Africa, but that's not any better. How do you not know where you're moving to? How don't you look it up?
I had a math teacher in college that would end many sentences with "alright?", but drawn out in her weird, nasally voice that could polish gemstones so it sounded like "aaaaiiiggghhhttt?" 20 years later I was on vacation in Vermont with my wife, and we went to check out a local winery. As we walked in, there were two women at the tasting bar with their backs towards us, and I was stopped dead in my tracks when, as we approached, I heard one of them talking in that weird, nasally voice that could polish gemstones. Sure enough, it was her. I think the wine turned to vinegar with every syllable she uttered.
Jesus. I can find any state on the map in five seconds. Colorado is one of the easiest. "IT'S THE SQUARE, BITCH! THAT'S WHERE YOU LIVE!!" These people get accepted into schools.
You know what? Give me weird, made up names over what I'm currently dealing with any day. I work for a clinic that has a large population of Somali patients. Let me tell you a little bit about Somali culture: 1. Mohammed is by far the most popular name, for given names and surnames. You'd be shocked at the number of Mohammed Mohammeds we have in our patient database. In fact I think 90% of our Somali population is named Mohammed, Ahmed, Hasan, Farhiya, or Ali. 2. In Somalia they don't use the standard calendar, and as such can't provide true birthdates because they don't know. At least 30% or more of our patient population was born on January 1st, according to records. 3. My department needs to be able to create reports that depend on name and birthdate in order to differentiate patients. So yeah, I'd be welcoming weird, made-up names that are unique with open arms.
Mind you this is grad school. Affirmative action is a bitch I guess. If you can't find the state you live in, how the hell did you get in? Its not like I go to school in Mexico or the Bahamas either. If I was an evil prick I would've pointed to Florida.
Had an English teacher who would say "Um" 100-165ish times a class. We started placing $1 bets on class. Out of like 20 kids, about 5-10 of us would pick a range 110-114, 115-119 etc. I think she averaged around 125. It was weird because its like she'd say um while inhaling, then another when exhaling. No one was mad at her because she had a ridiculous body. Oddly enough she was trying to look super professional and wear these business like clothes, but they were tight fitting and made her look sexier.
Better get used to it, Minneapolis has the largest Somali population in the US. Does your EMR/PM system support Farsi? I see more and more street signs printed in it around here and it's one hell of a language. At least their food is very very good, no complaints here.
Not to change the conversation again, but am I the only one that thinks Bit Coins is a fucking stupid idea? Bernie Madoff is shaking his head at this shit. I bring it up because a couple people I know have been defending a non-tangibles based "currency" that lost 50% in two months.
How in the FUCK are we gonna have a currency unbacked by a gold standard?!? Nah, I don't know enough about Bitcoins to even be a smartass about it, but it is interesting. At least it makes me wonder what the hell else my generation will see.
Im not too well versed in finance but I thought the underlying idea is interesting but knew from the start their claims of safety via cryptography and self governing was doomed to fail. A huge percentage of the currency is just speculators trying to make a buck at this point.
Yes. From what I understood, it was so people could make purchases with it and be anonymous. Mostly because they were buying drugs and child porn with it. The way I understand it, is that there is a conversion rate similar to foreign currency. But its more like black market money instead of pound sterling.