Sounds like someone is a snob on how other people get their exercise. Come on, you wasted time there too.
Holy fuck. So I just checked the Ask Men's 99 thread, and saw of course someone brought back the "BACK ON THE RMMB" shit we need to stop saying in 2014. Made me think "What the fuck is Tucker even doing?" went to his site and before I even got to what or how much he's been posting I saw that he is charging $10 a minute to talk to him on the phone. I just really want to know how many people do that.
I think Ken Shamrock tried to do that once. It was sadder than a truck full of puppies careening off a cliff.
Get the fuck out. What did he do, scream rage threats into the receiver? Or perhaps a discussion on a persuasive essay he read in The New Yorker? Kentucky, yes Kentucky just legalized same-sex marriage. That I did not see coming. Wow.
Kentucky didn't do anything. A Federal judge ruled that State of Kentucky couldn't refuse to recognize a legal marriage from another state. I rail against Federal Courts being a pain in the ass more than is healthy, but this is why we have them.
I think Vancouver is going to get its "Canadian" status revoked. I went outside today and was greeted by the Eeyore of snowmen. Pathetic.
What the hell is that green grass stuff? A green bush behind it too? Haven't seen that for awhile. Speaking of grass, this made me laugh: Igloo Used as Suspected Pot Den. The story itself is kinda funny, but even better (or worse) is the fact that it made national news.
This is weird right? My daughter's school let them out early so they can go to the Y and shave on deck for their big district meet tomorrow. So I had to talk to the coach and there are guys shaving their legs on deck. And arms. And backs. And pits. It's kind of surreal. And funny. They're being very meticulous. Cue jokes about whatever. I don't even know anymore.
Baldy McHairless To answer your question: yes. I don't know what "shave on deck" means, but I'm assuming "on deck" is like right next to the pool. I know when I have to shave in the sink, it leaves a stubble ring around the bowl. I can't imagine how nasty that pool and skimmer must be. Why would this not be done in the locker room showers? How the hell do you shave your own back? Are other dudes letting dudes shave their backs?
Jesus Christ. I'm away from the office for two lousy days and all of the shit hits all of the fans all at once.
Re: Baldy McHairless Yes. They have a garbage can full of water that they rinse the razors in and there are people in the water swimming while all this is going on and they shaving cream up and shave. I saw a guy laying on his belly while another swimmer took a razor to the back of his legs. They hose down the deck when it's all done. It's apparently a tradition. And I also think what if they cut themselves? There's certain protocol to follow if blood on deck as well.
and the BACK ON RMMB is...rarely...funny. Holy fuckballs I have had a consistent cough for the past two weeks. I give. I'm going to the doctor. Breathing is important.