God fucking damn it, 4-6 inches of snow today, with areas locally up to 10 inches. Fucking fuck, man. Can't go a god damned week without another fucking storm, and I had shit I really needed to do today. This post brought to you by: school snow days (if we get what they say, I doubt we'll have school tomorrow) and the need for booze at 8 am.
I think she's having a stroke because its technically grammatically correct. Either that or she became a pirate.
If you ask me, it's drunk typing with her phone's auto-correct turned on. Either way, I had to read it half a dozen times in case she was quoting something I was unfamiliar with. But nope, just plain weirdness.
You all suck. Clearly I was talking about the hot Russian curling team and complaining about the moron down the bar with his ball cap just resting on his hair, so it was a good three inches higher than it should have been. Incidentally, Fleksy has really fucked with my drunk texting.
I just had a dream where Rob Lowe shit out an entire turkey while doing a handstand in a bathtub. I didn't wake up with a boner though, so at least there's that.
Re: Re: The Heart Day WDT (NSFW As Always) If you don't wake up with a boner, I'm not sure you can call it a dream, really.
My house in Mississippi that I sold last year...yeah, it caught on fire. HAHA karma! You missed me. Bitch.
I'm pretty sure fate had you dead in its sites, really it looks like you haven't dodged too many bullets.
God Bless Tampa, there's some awesome white trash out there. I'm sure some will think are chicken feet really worth fighting/dying over, and the answer is yes. I've never had them before, but I imagine if you're really fucked up on meth and haven't ate in a few days, they probably are the best things ever.
Chicken feet are nothing more than really skinny wings, not that bad. Now pickled pigs' feet? There's no normal food equivalent for us cross breeders.
Re: Re: The Heart Day WDT (NSFW As Always) Pickled eggs? Awesome. Pickled Bologna? Fantastic. Chicken Feet? Count me in. Fried Livermush? Best breakfast ever. But fuck pickled pigs feet, holy hell I don't see how anyone enjoys eating them, my uncle eats them like he is eating an apple. If apples had veins and ligaments to eat around.
I mean chicken feet minute the bones ands tendons are just collagen and fat. Taste alright. I like how the guy's names Jugo.
How does someone end up with chicken feet? Do they sell them at stores in Florida? Did he butcher the chicken himself? If so, what happened to the rest of the chicken? Is there a guy at the flea market with a stall full of feet and beaks?
I am currently playing Lego Pirates of the Carribean, the level is called The Kraken, and I am drinking a mojito made with Kraken rum. Yo ho ho, bitches.
I had a very strange Valentine's weekend. I was at a random's house, and one of his friends brought back a stripper who walked in the door and started helping herself to the coke. After hiding my wallet, I composed some poems for her. Roses are red, This ain't your abode, So remove both yourself, And your high viral load. Roses are red, Strippers are bad, I hope you can find, and forgive dear old Dad. The guy begged some mdma from his friend and the two of them got hammered. A little later on she tried to ditch the guy she came with and hook up with me. He was a little upset, although not as much as I was. The owner of the house was giving him shit and telling him to get tips from me. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Mate, if you want to get a lady like this to like you, you're missing the key ingredient: coke." Anyway, he got upset and they left. I started betting his friends that he wouldn't get laid. They didn't believe me. Apparently they failed to understand that once the drugs are gone, you have nothing left to induce the stripper to fuck you. Even with what I won, it didn't quite make up for having to listen to whore babble for an hour. Or the coke. However, the ruthless character assassination we engaged in for the next 8 hours did.