Essentially the recipe I have is to braise (just water) rubbed racks of baby back for 4 hours at 250 degrees, then slather with bbq sauce, wrap in foil, and finish on the grill with low heat for another hour. I'm thinking with baby back, I should probably do about 3 hours, and season the water with garlic, onion, and chili powder, then on the grill in foil for a half hour. But, I could be wrong. Any tweaks here?
Thank you gentlemen, cheap shit it is! Irrelevant excuse for not buying good stuff: in high school/ early Uni, I was not a good drunk. I had a lot of bitterness towards girls, while my best friend was / is something of a ladies man. In hindsight, I must have cockblocked him a hundred times with pointless douchebaggery, just because I couldn't keep my mouth shut while he pursued his 'hot but troubled' demographic. I wised up eventually and quit drinking for a year, but I still look back and think that if I was in his shoes, I would have stopped inviting me out the second time that happened. Tonight, a decade later, he is having a housewarming, with a predominantly female guest list. I feel that rocking up with a bottle of spirits I intend to drink neat would not send the message I'm looking for. On the upside, quitting drinking gave me an appreciation for a much broader range of intoxicants! And, party tonight with many young single women, only two of whom are exes, and only one of whom absolutely loathes me. Good times ahead!
You don't know hell until you've seen Just Go With It. I'd rather watch prolapsed rectum porn than endure that movie again. However, I have heard nothing but huge raves for Horrible Bosses. I really do want to check it out now.
Already watched it. It was pretty awful. Were we childfree we would be watching horrible bosses and bad teacher this weekend. But we have the boys so....nope.
I have seen the same goddamn Dora The Explorer DVD I think about 14 trillion times now. It's awesome. Over and over again, a Mexican girl that looks Indonesian screams at you like an American tourist with her sadomasochistic submissive beastiality slave, Boots.
Did I read correctly (before completed distracted by porn) that TIB is going on vacation? One beer. That is all. Well, for tonight anyway.
My boys are cool. I don't have any stories that pop into mind right now because I'm on my phone And drunk but... My 11 yr old is a handsome eyes, blonde hair, well built. The girls love him. What the fuck is up with him getting " break up" text messages saying "its over sorry I've just got a lot going on right now and Don't need anything else sry " from 11 YEAR OLD GIRLS?! They text him calling him sexy. They text calling him gorgeous. It's creepy. Where are these girls' mothers?!?
Do kids really need cell phones so young? I dunno, maybe my age is starting to shine on but it puzzles me when nowadays I see a six-year-old wearing a wrist watch. Why does a six year old need a wrist watch? "Gee, I have a conference call in the sandbox at two, can you fax me the fort drawing after nap and we can do apple juice together?" I didn't need technology at that age, I had dirt. Dirt was incredibly entertaining at that age. You could sculpt with it, eat it and throw it at squirrels.
Okay, so you have a problem going to see an "R" rated movie with your 11 year old, but you give him a cell phone where he is potentially sexting with teenyboppers (or maybe young teens)? Hell, I took Li'l Bandit (age 10) to see "Bad Teacher" the weekend it came out, but I'd never give him his own phone until he was MAYBE 15. And even then, I'm skeptical. Why the hell does a young kid need a cell phone? I never got a cell phone until I was 21, and that was only because my ex-wife pressured me into getting one for our son's safety. My dad offered to get me a phone when I was 14 and started driving, but I thought that would be a pussy move, and asked for a set of tools (to fix any roadside emergecies) instead. I think I made the correct decision.
Yes. I gave him a cell phone. His brother has potentially fatal allergies, they walk home from school And I dont get home until 8 pm. Yes he has a phone, because if anything happens he can reach me or 911 easily. He knows what to say if he ever has to call ems and knows to call me if he ever has a question about anything. They play baseball, he calls when practice ends. They get home from school, he lets me know They're in and doing homework. No I am not an indulgent and lazy parent. I'm a parent who has the unfortunate responsibility of working two jobs full time to make ends meet. This is an essential tool in making our household work. I know the risks, but the benefits far outweigh the risks.
I'm more concerned the kid is going to lose his virginity by Christmas. Fuck that. He's got to suffer like the rest of us did before getting some. He's bypassing awkward dates and sticky, frustrating back seat fumblings. He's already got a harem of them sexting. You imagine what kind of super villainy he will get into getting laid so young?! On a completely different plane of existence. Like being able to see The Matrix code. Out of curiosity is your kid actually Johnny Depp or some shit? Next you'll tell me he'll front Van Halen next tour.
Dude, you've been very candid with your past, which we all appreciate, but you are by far a model citizen. For all I know, you are a great parent. However, I wouldn't take your parenting advice as far as I could throw your Trans-Am, or IROC-Z, or whatever it is.
Okay, I didn't take into account your other son's disability. I guess I have a skeptical attitude because some of my son's cousins (only a year or three older than him) have cell phones, and he has started bugging me and his mom for one. (My son is not alergic to anything) I'm still not giving my son a phone until he's at least 15, and can provide some kind of income to pay for it.
I'm just going to lowjack my daughter. Implant a bug in her skull, which will eventually leak radiation and give her telekenetic abilities. Then she will kill us all. That way there's no boys to get ideas.
Well sir (you are a "sir," aren't you? If not, I apologize), what would you recommend? Are you a parent? If you have something you want to say to me, please save it for rep comments or personal messages. Let's try to keep this friendly, alright? EDIT: I forgot to add this:
Are you sure you wanna dig this ditch? What does making bad choices have to do on your skill at being a parent? I'm a good parent, and I'll be the first to admit in the department of choices I'm not exactly the sharpest knife in the spoon. I've been to jail, I smoke pot, yet my daughter STILL hasn't stabbed me or her mother to death in our sleep. Fuck, I'm high right now. And proud of it. People with criminal records can be good parents. Bet on it. I SAID NO WIRE HANGERS EVERRRRRRRRR
Without wading into the quagmire that is this potential argument, I know a few "model citizens" who have right shitty children. I'm just saying.
Absolutely 100% true. We're friends, maybe we should pump our brakes and post hardcore nudity to ease the pain.
I did send you a rep. And yes, I am a sir. And no, I'm not a parent. Thats why I don't give out parenting advice. What I do know is that you are on probation and drinking, which is a violation. And if I were a parent, I would think the threat of going back to jail and fucking my son up even more, would be enough of a reason to keep clean. Thats why you shouldn't be handing out parenting advice.