Just watched the shuttle launch and I'm sad to see the program go. Its representative of how bad things are down here and the hope of an increase of space travel has, for the time being, been evaporated.
I am not clicking a link for "happyendingz" while I'm at work. Good lord. But no, her name is not CJ. My sister's masseuse's name is Kristi (with an I at the end). I bet she dots her i's with hearts.
Eew. Why do some females do this? I have to work all weekend (like usual). On the bright side, I'm starting to put money away for a trip that I want to take by myself to Florida to visit a good friend then down to Texas to visit some old stomping grounds. Maybe I'll create some sort of TIB bar crawl and meet up with some of the Southerners here...I haven't been to God's Country in 17 years, might be interesting.
All I can think about when I see that is how dirty that floor must be. I can't get my head around that.
I have to babysit my 3 and 5 year old cousins all god damn weekend. Which means it is time to break out that bottle of Blue Label I've had sitting for some time. That stuff is amazing. I'm almost looking forward to babysitting all weekend just because I know it's a good enough reason to break out the blue label.
I haven't been on a vacation in over two years, with nothing planned all the way through 2012 other than a few weekend snowmobiling trips. I know none of you, but I'll second the motion for New Orleans.
Today's the start of the Calgary Stampede. Welcome to 10 days straight of drinking, free breakfasts/lunches, parties, concerts and girls in short skirts and tight shirts! Bar tonight, Rodeo tomorrow, Bar again, Going to the grounds Sunday, Bar/Outdoor Tent again.......
I figure New Orleans is a decent central location in the south. Plus, if you come and hate all the TiBers, you're still in NEW ORLEANS. I can't see how this is a losing scenario.