I'm home now, my shoes are in the trash, and I'm trying to convince my husband to let me open a bottle of wine.
Is he a fool, hooker? I smile like a kid on Christmas morning every time Mrs. Noland opens a bottle of wine.
I hope you mean that in the sense of 'I want to be the one that pulls the cork, rather than him'. Otherwise your sentence makes no sense at all.
She was just soliciting the nipples of strange men. Something tells me your respective experiences with spouses and alcohol differ greatly.
Ok, I fall just short of "has an ass fetish" in the Great Ass vs. Tits Debate, and some kinky rope stuff is enjoyable, but that picture is absolutely terrible. I can tell she has a great body, but the way the ropes pinch her ass, it just looks like she eats too much McDonalds. Then again, I'm not posting ass pictures at all, so fuck me.
To be fair, Phil, I believe Nom wanted to see my nipples. There's a sentence I never thought I would write.
I just got done drinking Lost Abbey and eating carne asada with my pops. Life has certainly been worse.
I'll not pretend I know why she was tied up, but to be honest I don't know why anyone would would want to bind a woman like that. Look at that picture, she has ropes going between her legs. How to you get your dick in there? And she can't move. Movement is fun. Movement is good. If she doesn't have free hands she can't touch you. If her legs aren't free, they aren't wrapped around you. It's one dimensional sex. Whatever blows your skirt up. If everyone is legal and it's consensual, have at it, but I don't get it.
Sigh. Men. It's always gotta be about sex with you, doesn't it? Maybe it was laundry day and she just needed to throw something on to pick up some milk from the store.