It's possible. But cops always wear uniform when working traffic, even in unmarked vehicles. If you were caught with hidden lights and wearing a police uniform, you'd do serious time for it, assuming you didn't suicide during the manhunt. (A few years ago a guy who shot at cops was found, having shot himself twice in the head, and then covered himself with branches.)
OOOOOOOHHHHHH LET'S GO THE GERMAN BAR!! OK I says. By then end of the night I end up hearing about everyone's small penises. And hear some horrendous versions of "Piano Man." Sorry, this is depressing, Spoilered. Spoiler I also end up taking my beloved to the gyno for a fucking biopsy. Even before I realized I adored this woman, I probably adored her subconsciously. Now I'm taking her to the fucking cancer doctor tomorrow. No, shit. I am freaking out. I'm a mess now that I'm away from her. I would die for this girl.