For literally the first time in their life, I get to have the twins for Father's Day. Sure it's a rather lame holiday, but I'm rather excited. I'm sure they will get me one of my very own possessions only hand broken into a million pieces to mark the special day.
You can have her, I want the redhead from that show. Suits is a big guilty pleasure of mine, and I have a weak spot for sassy bitches.
Oh hell no. All of you people wanted to talk about Blue Dog's, admittedly, funny pictures. I was the person to interject a little bit of eye candy into the thread. Dibs are clearly mine. If you want her, there is clearly only one way to settle this. Free style rules wrestling match. I'll even be nice and spot you three points. After the match me and my new girl friend will hook you up with a friend of hers who has a good personality.
Freestyle? Are you kidding me? We will do this folkstyle like real men (that never went to freestyle camp).
There is something decidedly fucked up about her face. It might be the wink she's doing. It looks like she has a facial tic. I hate it when I do stupid things. Like complain to IT that the new laptop they gave me has none of the networks mapped... and when they come to fix it, I realize that the network cable wasn't plugged into the fucking wall...
There's something decidedly absolutely fucking gorgeous about her face. With a face like that, I'd oogle her even if she had a facial tick, tourettes, a hunch back, and a club foot. It might be the fact that it's a gif on continuous loop.
Now that it's summer, what is the appropriate number of days in a row that somebody can wear the same pair of gym shorts without underwear? I put this pair on a week and 1/2 ago when I got home from work, and I've pretty much turned into Tobias Funke since then.
Yeah, its gotta be the loop, cause she's gorgeous as well. Her character may be my favorite on the show. But Rachel, oh Rachel, she makes my heart flutter. However, Jessica Pearson looks like Admiral Ackbar.
Folkstyle it is. Actually to be fair, what state did you wrestle in? I want to be sure three points is enough to make it sporting.
Just to be clear here, you're proposing two dudes put on spandex and sweatily grapple all over each other for a chick. Alright, just checking.
What show are these ladies from anyway? I don't recognize them whatsoever. As it gets warmer out, I'm reminded as I am every year that there really are no attractive options for shorts for men. I'm sorry guys.
This picture slays me. I'd sacrifice all of you and your unborn children for her. audrey, really? I thought golf shorts were in? Or am I missing a NYC, hipster-ish viewpoint on this?
Aren't those exactly what hipsters are wearing ironically? (I don't know why I'm asking when I live in Brooklyn.) That and jorts. Or cargo shorts. And as the great that-guy-from-Superbad said, "Nobody's gotten a handjob in cargo shorts since 'Nam."
So this isn't working for you Audrey? Shit. Though I normally swap out those loafers for some saddle shoes, natch.
I can testify that this is not true. She may not have been what you'd call "conventionally attractive" and her technique would have been more appropriate for starting a chainsaw but I was wearing cargo shorts.