I've been "That Guy" before. Who broke the table? That Guy. Who startled the geese in the yard and is currently chasing them around yelling "Who wants some mother fucking Fritos? That Guy. Who pissed in the stew and then laughed himself silly and threw a live goose into the stew? That Guy. Who is banging your girlfriend while she screams about upset geese and defiled stew? That Guy. Sometimes you just have to go with the crazy.
How many fucking people here go to western? I just was going through this thread and saw a bunch of you are all mustangs. Did not think there were that many of us on this board
Ever had goose stew? Frito fed goose stewed in urine? That's almost corn fed and raised on natural substances. El gato comió el trozo de tarta de Satanás. (That's "The cat ate Satan's piece of cake." for y'all to lazy to look it up.) How it pertains to any of this I have no idea, it just struck me as funny.
Nothing if not interesting toytoy, you lot all have fun now I'm goiing to go get ratshit again at the local.
Second. It truly is one of North America's top "hot chick" universities. I live a 5 minute drive from it. It's the epicentre of scattered ass in September. I try to drive through campus at least once a day.
Not yet. I'm still waiting for it to catch on. Holy shit! It's thundering to beat hell outside! WooHoo! Here comes the big storm the weather man's been promising. Ny the way...the city of Los Gatos, CA. Doesn't that mean "Lost cats?" Like two Mexicans were wandering up the California coastline, and decided to take a siesta against a tree and one of them woke up saying "Where the fuck are my cats?" His buddy, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and pushing back the sombrero from his head said something along the lines of "I didn't eat them." "I don't know where your cats are amigo, let's call this place Los Gatos and is it normal to shit fur?"
Oh yeah, well Marco Polo found China by yelling his first name at the shore and waited for the Chinese to yell his last name back.
Apparently my neighbor, who I used to hang and drink with all the time, beat the ever loving shit out of his girlfriend that lived there too. Like, almost killed her. He's on the lamb now, wanted for assault, assault with deadly weapon, and attempted murder. I guess he left Hawaii already, headed to San Diego or something. Fuckin A man. I thought they were cool people, the woman especially. Always bummed me a beer when I was out, smoked their weed with me all the time, even made me dinner a few times. This kind of shit pisses me off to no end, I mean, what the fuck is that guys problem? I really don't understand it, he must have just lost it completely because he always seemed so chill. I haven't even gotten a chance to talk to her, she's been in the hospital for the last few days. I guess she's moving out now too, which means new neighbors. Where I live, getting new neighbors is a pretty dangerous thing. The chances of them being dead beat awful people are way higher then them being cool people.
Oh god... Accidental buttsecks with the wife. We've been drinking tequila and she wanted to try out this new lube. Things were going swimmingly until I flipped her over flat on the bed and *whoops* buttsecks... Now I'll never get a chance to do it proper. FUCK.
I taught this girl how to make margaritas (with a mix, we're not talking rocket science here) and now we're teaching her how to play Hold 'Em. I swear, she can't be American. What is with this girl? Oh well, by the end of the night I'll have taught her a thing or two.
Is anyone else watching Pleasantville on television? I forgot how crazy and awesome this movie is. It's blacka nd white, and then it's colour (or color for you yanks), you get the best of both worlds.
Oh wonderful. Look what's coming my way I can deal with shitty weather in broad day light, but I'd rather not have to deal with it in the dark. It's hard to punch a tornado in the face when you can't see the son of a bitch,
Toytoy that looks like a firey line of death. Take your own advice and don't shake a stick at it, we'd miss you too much.
Thought you could get away with it using the new lube, huh? For the record, its never accidental at our house. My wife loves it. Maker's Mark tonight....
Well I've had to downgrade to light beer now that I'm trying to lose a few pounds. I figure my best choice is Bud Light Golden Wheat. I've also heard good things about Sam Adam's light beer. Best light beer?