Sorry brother. Hey, at least they put up a decent fight. The Jets have a very bright future. They seem the heir apparent in the AFC East.
Hahahaha I got interviewed today by a high school student for her music class. Apparently they had to interview a musician for some stupid reason and she chose me.There were a bunch of stupid questions, but I tried to answer as civilly as I could without swearing or laughing. Then she asked what was the best thing about playing music. I giggled to myself for a few moments thinking back and finally said "Free drinks and I banged a lot of girls." I saw her homework and she quoted me verbatim. Her music teacher is highly religious and I imagine she's going to shit a Christmas tree when she reads that.
Seriously the whole "Interview" thing was highly uncomfortable. Christ, I have no idea where the teacher got these questions. What's the worst thing about being a musician? The only thing I could come up with was that it's impossible to fondle titties while playing. Obviously I didn't say that, but I sure as hell was thinking it. Why the blue fuck would she ask kids to interview someone who plays? My music homework was to run scales...something fucking useful.
A real life perspective of what it means to be a no steady paycheck, exposure to drugs and alcohol and a steady stream of morally questionable women? Maybe she hopes that they will decide to become an accountant. I don't think you changed that kid's mind.
NFL Football + Harpoon IPA + tequila chipotle chicken wings + peppers stuffed with provolone and prosciutto + Swedish meatballs + deviled eggs + a bunch of other great appetizer foods = best day ever. I'm not going to eat tomorrow because I probably consumed about 5000 calories today.
Seriously. If you can't find something in the room to open your beer with you can return your balls to the ball factory. Just looking around me at this very moment I see at least 3 or 4 random items I could use to open a beer if I needed to. If worst comes to worst, just use your teeth.
One of the questions was "What would you suggest to students learning music?" My answer was "Practice, practice, practice and experiment." She asked back "Experiment with music?" And I fired back "No, with drugs." Anyone that learns to play an instrument with the idea that they're going to get paid is sadly mistaken. I learned because I love music and it's kind of awesome to create something out of thin air with your imagination being the only restriction. I've actually written a song with the only instrument being my hotel bed and me slapping out a drum beat on it while singing.
As far as opening a beer, it was a sad attempt at humor. Pimptress, you don't strike me as a tease, whatever it's supposed to mean.
I would say that a tease can be seen two ways.... Either one person is suggesting then withholding in a calculating way. Or one person is misinterpreting signals and ends up wanting something they can't have. So rather accept that they have misinterpreted they put the blame back on the other person.
All it takes to be a tease by internet standards is to be female and currently doing anything short of masturbating on a webcam. It's just relative to the environment. Exactly.