'night, kids. Gonna hop in bed and watch Raising Arizona. Chater, have fun and please do something stupid. I need to know there's still fun out there in London the next time I try it.
As fucking usual. We're about to leave the house. Paged decides to lock himself in the bathroom 20 minutes to make sure he looks "fresh"
I got tricked into coming to a God damned hipster bar. The band that is playing right now is so. Fucking. Bad. I am tempted to record some footage so that you all can share my misery. And to think I could be at home right now with some Glenlivet and good music.
Yeah. I did that a couple of weeks ago at a college bar that my friend owns. It was a total joke, but some people didn't get it. I looked like a fucking idiot, but whatever. I was blackout shithoused. And I'm watching Conan's last show. If he goes to Fox and does Arsenio part 2, I'm on board.
Just got home from bowling. Three games go by really fast when there are only two people playing. I sucked, as usual. My highest score was 108. Spent some quality time with a high school buddy I don't see near enough and had lots of laughs. Said friend is gay and I always get to learn all sorts of gay trivia when we hang out. Apparently there are 'gay years' much like there are dog years, if you're 25 then you're 35 in gay years. Good to know.
Ok, so the upstairs at this bar is way better, and they have Shiner on tap. Time to go that extra mile and get good and drunk.
It's Western. The only reason you could ever possibly need for going there is your parents' ability to pay for it. Eeeh. I don't know where Western got the reputation as being the school of hot. I wasn't that impressed, and while I currently go to the place where fun goes after it has died and needs to be dissected, dessicated and displayed, I'm still not. Other guys I knew were impressed, though. Then again, I was coming out of a school full of performing arts kids. Mmm, dancers.
Uggh, I am a bottle plus of wine into the night and have big plans of joining up with some running friend for a run at 7am. I a pretty tipsy no at 11:30. I think this will go well
but do you know how many retards were there? Budday, you cleaned up there. If you didn't hook you up wiht a girl that is willing to FUCK you and say it, you can come here and say so. But if they DID say it, you fucking come here and admit it. And then you can talk your talk. Right now, I'm guessing you'na walk the walk.
This can only end badly haha. I've just had an afternoon nap time to go shower then go back to the local and drink some more.
Well, since if I every met you guys in real life it would probably be in a setting that allowed us to be fucked up, this seems like a good place to start. lmfao
Just got homefrom a pro-smoking bar. Took a shower. My gf is 300 miles away, and i dont cheat. so i TRied masturbating with topical numbing agent as lube . It won.
Yeah, no shit, eh? Great way to go out, rocking out. I'm sadly sober tonight. It might be time to fix that with some Svedka from the freezer. And tomorrow shall be a fine Coors Light evening with perhaps some cards. (And by cards, I mean drinking games and not poker. Yeah, I'm 28, pretending to be 21. What of it?)
Evidently. And as a down south "redneck," I'll say that..OK. That was a decently funny parody of the real Lynyrd Skynyrd. Did anybody get it besides me? BlueDog? Toytoy? Maybe?
whatupp cocksmokers. Working my way through a 12 oz glass of wine, had some dinner, relaxing before the festivities begin. By festivities, I mean going to the same bar with the same people that I do every Friday night. Is there any weird rhyme for wine before beer? God I hope it isn't, "Wine before beer, you'll turn queer."