What's big, black, six legs and lots of sharp teeth? Spoiler A doberman with a baby in it's mouth. What's black and blue and hates sex? Spoiler A rape victim. What's the difference between a dump truck full of sand and one full of dead babies? Spoiler You can't empty the dump truck full of sand with a pitchfork.
What is red and yellow and floats in a pool? Spoiler A slashed baby with swimmies. What is blue and purple and sits at the bottom of a pool? Spoiler Slashed swimmies with a baby.
How do you make a young girl cry twice? Spoiler Wipe your bloody cock on her teddybear. What's black and blue and red all over? Spoiler A rape victim. What's the best thing about an eight year old girl? Spoiler Turn her around she's and eight year old boy. What's dangerous and eats nuts? Spoiler Syphilis. What's the difference between a clit and a mobile phone? Spoiler Nothing, every cunt's got one. How do you get 100 dead babies into a bucket? Spoiler A blender. How do you get them out? Spoiler Nachos. What's red, bubbly, and scratches at the inside of a window? Spoiler A baby in a microwave What's 12-inches long and can make a woman scream all night long? Spoiler Crib Death What's the worst part about eating bald pussy? Spoiler Getting the diaper back on. What's the best thing about having sex with a 10 year old? Spoiler Pretending she's 5. What's the best thing about having sex with a 5 year old? Spoiler Hearing her pelvis snap. What's the worst thing about having sex with a 10 year old? Spoiler Hearing her say that she's had better. "What's the worst part about fucking an 8 year old girl?" Spoiler "Hearing the ribs creak" "What's the best part about fucking an 8 year old girl?" Spoiler "Feeling the ribs creak" What do you call four lepers in a hottub Spoiler Stew Did you hear about the leper who failed his driver's test? Spoiler He left his foot on the gas What's red, slimy and crawling up your leg? Spoiler A homesick abortion. What’s green and melts in your mouth? Spoiler A leper’s cock! What's blue and doesn't fit? Spoiler A dead epileptic. What do you do when somebody is having a seizure in the bathtub? Spoiler Throw in your clothes How many American Astronauts can fit in a Miata? Spoiler 9...two in the seats, 7 in the ashtray. What's the difference between a washing machine and a virgin? Spoiler The washing machine won't follow you around for 2 weeks after you drop a load in it.
What's the difference between a dead baby and a pepperoni pizza? Spoiler You don't cum on a pizza before eating it. What did the Jewish pedophile say to the children? Spoiler You kids wanna buy some candy?
What do you get when you put a razor blade into an infants head? Spoiler I don't know about you, but I get an erection. What happens when you put a baby into the microwave for 5 minutes? Spoiler I have no idea, I'm too busy masturbating to pay attention.
How come Stevie Wonder can't read? Spoiler Because he's black. Why don't blind people skydive? Spoiler Scares the shit out of the dog. What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes? Spoiler Nothing. You already told the bitch twice.
Why did Hitler kill himself? Spoiler the jews sent him a gas bill What were the 2 things missing from the million man march? Spoiler an auctioneer and 10 miles of chain
How do you turn a dishwasher into a snowblower? Spoiler Hand the bitch a shovel. How many women does it take to screw in a light bulb? Spoiler None. She can do the fucking dishes in the dark. Two gay guys are fucking in a wayside rest bathroom. One leans over the other's shoulder and asks "Hey, you don't have herpes, do you?" "No", the other one replies. With a sigh of relief, the first guy says "Good, I'd hate to catch that again."
A preist and a rabbi are sitting on a park bench when a little kid walks by. Priest says "Hey you wanna fuck that kid?" Rabbi responds, "Out of what?"