I can't replicate this either on my iPad or either of my phones. It's consistent and repeatable for you guys?
No, it's a white BG but after a little testing it looks like the image processing library I'm using doesn't play nicely with the transparency in your particular file (I think it doesn't like the PNG format you were using). I tried converting the transparency but it looked ugly, so here's a white BG version if you want it:
What phone/browser/OS? I'm using FontAwesome, which is a font made up of icons. It dramatically reduces the bandwidth required to view pages, but there must be a problem with your phone displaying the custom font.
So there isn't a timeout on logins? I just stayed logged in for like 12 hours. Last version timed out after awhile, I think the timeout might be a good thing, but not sure what anyone else thinks.
Uh... if you click "stay logged in" it will keep you logged in until the cookie is deleted (either by logging out, or by clearing your cookies). If you don't click that, it will log you out when you exit your browser. So it is, so it has been, so it will always be...
Well I can't argue with the tech god, but I know for 100% fact, that if I logged in, did not check the box, but kept my browser open I'd stay logged in for like 3 hours, but wouldn't be logged in when I click to post or something. I don't have any scheduled cleaners or anything on my computer. I use Firefox if it means anything, but okay. No big deal deal really.
Ahh, I misunderstood what you were asking. It's possible that XF doesn't set an inactivity timeout for the active session whereas phpBB did. It's not something I can configure in the forum software and while I could force it using the PHP global server settings, it would affect more than just your browser.
It's repeatable for me. I'm using private browsing on my phone so I have to log in every time. I tap the Username box and it automatically jumps down to the password box before I can enter anything. I'm on an iPhone 6 running iOS 8.2 I mean, I can turn off private browsing, but I don't want to. I don't mind logging in each time, just wanted to let you know about the weird jump to the next box.
Looks like Opera Mini has crippled font support. I'll see if there's a fix but I'm not super hopeful.
Can't replicate this. Can you give me the OS and browser you're using? Also, if you're using any ad blockers or other types of privacy blockers, try turning them off and seeing if you can log out then.
So looking at other people's avatars, it looks like their rep is clickable, but when clicked a big mean red warning pops up. Maybe we shouldn't make it clickable?
The big mean red warning is just for you. Everybody else can read others' rep. Also, I like the fact that the TiB staff is walking around wearing thongs and no shirts. There must be some good times at the "mod only" forum.
It's clickable because you can see it if you have permission. Right now, users are only allowed to see their own reps. I guess I could implement a permission check on that template so it's not a link if you can't view it, but it was easiest to just put in the link and let the permission be handled by the reputation module. if $user = Parker { onClick(banUser) }