The episode where Micheal 'outs' Oscar just showed on TV here. Some great laughs, such as Creed (telling the camera) that back in the 60s, when he made love to a lot of women, 'a man could have slipped in there, there's no way of telling' I can see why Jim wants Pam, Karen seems very one dimensional (and more masculine than Jim!)
I also loved, on top of Jim's line, Michael yelling "Get the hell out you idiot." It was hysterical because it was in the background of Jim and Toby's brilliant reactions and just enough to continually remind everyone of Michael's irrational hatred.
No one seems interested in talking about he Halloween episode, so I'll keep it short. Kevin dressed up like Paul Blart in the opening sequence was fucking divine and so was Creed asking Michael "who's your worm guy?" The bit characters, as previously mentioned, are really stealing the show this season.
Aside from the cold opening this episode just seemed to be meandering about. The Andy and Pam story line was boring and the Koi pond stuff went from chuckle to yawn really quick. Hopefully, it's just a one-off because I've loved this season so far. I liked the last scene with Erin and Pam. Ellie Kemper has the chops to add more to the show. Glad to see the are going to develop her relationship with Andy. FYI, Ellie's Upright Citizens Brigade work was funny as shit.
While I agree that the episode was nothing special, the video of Michael falling into the pond was hilarious.
The best moment in this episode (which was very funny imo) was Oscar leaning back away from Jim in the break room. It is quintessentially Micheal to focus on Jim as being jealous of him, and a development in the manipulativeness of the Jim character to placate Micheal with that. It reminds me of the episode when Micheal was up for promotion, and when his boss was asked why in hell he proposed an obviously unsuitable Micheal, Micheal was delighted it was because 'he's a nice guy' rather than being furious that he was regarded as a buffoon. It's so true to real life workplace politics, and life I guess?
Spoiler I have to say, they really should have taken the Pam's mom thing for at least one or two more episodes. It would have made for a few cheap mother fucker laughs.
I thought the "murder" episode was OK. I'm getting a little tired of the "Jim and Michael are mad at each other but resolve it in the end! yay!" story lines. The supporting cast did a good job stepping up though. Oscar and Creed especially.
Oscar attempting a high-pitched Georgia accent had me rolling. And Pam at the end, playing guns with the boys... Just the way she slunk out of the room while keeping her aim up...
This season seems way different. I can't tell if it is because they are not playing so much now on the awkwardness of the cast, or Jim and Pam's new attitudes. I still like the show, but not as much as I use to and I cannot exactly pinpoint the reason. With that being said, I would like to see more with Dwight and Angela. I always crack up when those two interact. I also would like to see more with Andy-he is hillarious.
Another cringe worthy episode. I'm really starting to wonder if this will be the last season, I feel like its run its course.
I don't know why, after watching the entire run of this series, that I still expect these characters to redeem themselves in the clutch. For a minute, I really thought Oscar was going to step up to the plate and save the day. I guess after seeing Michael negotiate his job back when he was sniping clients out from under Dunder Mifflin, I thought Oscar would be able to pull something off. And as for the earlier comments about characters. My wife does not understand why I think Pam and Jim are the worst characters on the show. The whole drama with Jim giving up the good corporate job in New York and his general spineless-ness, Pam being such an immature, emotional slut during her whole engagement break up, it drives me nuts. Michael's a sociopath and a child, but at least his behavior can be justified by decades of repressed emotions and rejection. Jim and Pam are just dicks.
Wow, all I can say is wow. That episode was just about as funny as the office can get. So many great moments, from Stanley laughing his ass off at Michael's misfortune (Scott's Tots), Dwight's scheme, his impersonations of everyone in the office. That brought everything right back on track after a couple rough weeks.
THANK YOU. Jim has slacked off the first several seasons yet he gets promoted? Together, Jim and Pam put off this superiority vibe that seems to get more obnoxious with every episode.
Agreed. The impressions were awesome. I will agree with everyone else, though, that the past couple of seasons have been different. I'll probably have an emotional breakdown when the show ends, but it's probably going to be time before too long.
Michael in the classroom could have been among the most awkward and uncomfortable moments in the show. Just wow. Laptop batteries? And I thought that kid was going to punch him in the face when they were talking outside. Pam's "yup" after Andy's quip about her low sales was probably my favorite part of the episode for some reason. It was just a hilarious cut in.
Some people have been saying they don't like the direction the show has been going but can't place it...I think I know what it is. The characters just aren't likable any more, and this episode clearly demonstrates that. Michael's buffoonery has gone from simply annoying his subordinates to genuinely fucking with the lives and livelihoods of many different people. Jim and Pam always had a sort of "we're better than this" attitude which was presented in a somewhat comedic way, but now it just grates on you. The biggest change, though, would have to be Dwight. His antics and schemes before were always more for comedic effect and to add a somewhat unpredictable edge to the show (alongside Michael), but now they have progressively grown more mean spirited. I don't know if the writers are trying to plan some sort of climax where the characters manage to redeem themselves in one big twist of fate, but right now, nobody can really be blamed for simply not liking the characters, which was the basis for watching the show in the first place.
There were plenty of funny moments, but that classroom scene was so far beyond my tolerance for awkwardness.