Alright I will give it a try. I understand the auction part of it, but am shaky on the football part of it. So there is that. But, how does it work if you can't be there for the auction?
You can set your prices for players beforehand. Or you can let the preset prices draft for you.
I had to shake my head at that too iczorro. and I sent an email so I could find out how to pay. Then I will be one of the cool kids too.
Paid. I have no fucking idea what I'm doing but I'm here to wreck all y'all through sheer blind luck and tenacity of spirit.
We will be doing a chat for the live draft as well this year. I'll post the details once the day gets closer.
I'm sad that I won't be able to inadvertently draft Allen Robinson for $1 again. Speaking of auction questions, is it going to be on a $250 budget again? That was fun.
Moving right along with signups, but we still have open spaces and a list of about 7 or 8 people in the previous thread who were interested. Lets see if we can't get most of the spots buttoned up before next weekend so I don't have to go on a dick sucking campaign to find some members!
If you need a spot filled to complete a league at the last minute, I'll get in. I'm serious, I will get in at the last possible minute if all the spots aren't full. I don't really want to commit to a league unless i have to, I'll be traveling and may not always have reasonable access to the internet.
I'm on record as willing to be in both leagues, I believe. If multiple people want my money that is...
Everyone is free to join both leagues if you want to. We still have ~7 open spots between the two leagues, so either we fill those with unique members or people can join both.
Another Monday morning, another request to fill up some vacancies. Have 5 slots left to fill as I'm waiting on a few people to transfer some funds. Get in while the gettin is gettin.