I just had a young wanna-be thug try to insult me by referring to my "broke-ass nikes". He then sped off in his jalopy. I couldn't help but be reminded of this great Chapelle's show skit.
I think he meant a rigorous double blind study involving gloryhole and his penis. God, you're so oblivious.
What's all this about tipping a dollar per beer. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. How fucking hard is it to open a fucking beer? Why would you tip someone a pound for it? In Ireland we go £5.65 an hour and maybe £5tips at the end of the night.. Wouldn't dream of tipping like you morons.
I usually leave bigger tips up front so the bartender will come and serve me quicker. After that, a buck for every two drinks or so.
Different cultures, the US is a land of tipping. Our service industry are paid shit and expect to have their measly hourly pay supplemented in tips. If you come over here, you had better do the same if you expect to get a drink after the bartender notices your disdain for tipping. This has been a shitty winter, I haven't seen a sidewalk since December, I have fallen off my running schedule. I had a dream that my husband told me that I was getting fat, so here I am at 7am hoping to go out and get a few miles in, ice, snow, and sub-freezing temps be damned. Ugggh.
Nett/Chater, can you help out here? It seems Jennitalia has hacked into Arctic_Scrap's account... Arctic, if you still have access to your account, I advise you change your password.
Fucking husband didn't charge the fucking garmin, and I have come to rely on it while running. It is like he WANTS me to be fat. Time to make an OKCupid profile.
Well, it depends, today I was going to try for 6 miles, but considering I haven't run for weeks and that was only on a treadmill, that may be unrealistic. During the spring and fall, it would probably be an average of 12 on a Saturday. Honestly, it is more for pacing than mileage typically, without it I am all over the place. However, considering all of my normal routes are snow covered and I was going to venture into unchartered territory, so I wanted the garmin.
The wife has decided to re-do the kitchen, and because agreeing with her is easier than arguing with her, I've decided to play along. - Last night, tore out the garbage compactor, which has been in there since the Nixon administration and was fucking bolted to the fucking brick floor. Whomever installed it must have gotten inspiration from the safes at Fort Knox. After attempting to take it out the nice way, using a screw driver and channel locks, and it wasn't fucking budging, I got angry. Angry meant smashing it with a hammer. When that didn't work, I grabbed a beer, and took the angle grinder to it. That worked. - Now we have cans of paint and new light fixtures to replace the fan which we never use, and some other shit. Today will be spent painting, hoping I don't electrocute myself, and telling my wife what I want her to put on my sandwich. - Accordingly, I have already cracked my first beer.
Ugh. I might have to join you soon, buddy. I'm so hungover today that I'm almost seeing double. Since my accident, I've become a friggin' lightweight. This is bullcrap. At least I remembered to start the pulled pork last night. Though I didn't know what the hell that smell was when I woke up.
I'm about to leave and have a tutor session with one of my conversation partners. I hope it doesn't last 6 hours like last week. At least I get paid by the hour.
Well I just paid $240 in damages for scraping another guy's truck in a parking lot. There was far more damage to my car (read: my parents' car which I am borrowing for a 2 month placement in a small town), even though it was still relatively minor. This is gonna be fun.
Go find a good scratch and dent remover (depending on how badly you fucked it up), and have them take a look at it. It is fucking amazing what a good dent puller can do to fix that kind of stuff. They're usually mobile, too, so they can come and take a look and give you a guestimate. And now I'm off to the Vancouver Boat Show, with the blessings of Blue Dog, in search of a free boat. Or a new Mustang jacket. We'll see.
Hang on that's still bullshit. In the UK we get paid £5.95 an hour. That's minimum wage and almost all bar staff get it. Even if a barman got paid no wage at all, if he got tipped a dollar every 3 drinks even, he would still be rolling in money at the end of the night. I don't think I'd fit in in an American bar, there's no way I'd tip that much. Shame really, a dream of mine has always been to drink my way across America.
In the U.S., serving staff don't get paid minimum wage. They get paid like $2.50 an hour as long as tips make up for the rest of it. It's a shitty system. In Canada, staff make minimum wage, but U.S. influence means tipping is in place but not quite as high as in the States. Which results in Canadians having a reputation as crappy tippers when they travel to the U.S.
I was attacked and molested by the queen of the barflies last night. Yuck. At the dive/townie bar my buddy owns and ended up grabbing a stool next to a "mid-40's once was probably pretty before the pack a day habit and some other unhealthy life decisions" woman. Over the course of the next few hours I talked to everyone seated around me. Good folks, they'd just been there since noon. She starts touching me which my buddy behind the bar thinks is funny. "Watch out for that one", he tells me. I'm laughing because I think it's funny. 20 minutes later in the middle of telling me a story about her dog she tries to stick her tongue down my throat. Gets me on the side of the mouth and cheek instead. Gross. Then she and everyone else around us at the bar laughs their asses off. Apparently she pulls this move often. "Don't worry pretty, I'm too much woman for ya!" I feel a little cheap now.