It was weird when they replace Laurie with a differnt actress in one of the later seasons. Then they replaced Eric in the last season. That was pretty jarring. Topher Grace, what a dickbag. Thought he was good enough to go solo. Was he ever in anything except a cameo in Ocean's Eleven?
I'm still trying to get a disco theme going here. Thanks 70's show (and Crown Royal). Disco boobs! Another disco song:
Taking a leak off the balcony is a good time. Some people around here brag about taking a leak off the porch when they live in the country. My balcony is in full view of a major road and several buildings in my apartment complex. To me, it takes more balls to expose your balls to civilization than a couple of deer. I hope the downstairs neighbors weren't awake.
I remember pissing off my balcony once back when I lived in Queens. I know I was quite drunk/stoned/both because I don't remember why I did it. I do, however, remember that I thoroughly enjoyed it. If I lived out in the country, or anywhere private, I would do it all the time. And hey, it's totally environmental.
Am I the only one disappointed with how activity on here tonight has dwindled? ...I'm so very lonely.
You know who still has enough class to not be drinking vodka directly out of its skull shaped bottle right now? This guy, the one with the glass. Didn't buy it, 's expensive. Also holy shit tacky.
So, my iPod earbuds have been shocking the crap out of my earholes lately. I came home and Googled that shit. Apparently, it's a thing that happens. Furthermore, it's not going to stop until it's warm and humid enough to lose the wool coat. Apple's response in a nutshell? "Deal with it."
I'm not sure if you gentlemen are aware of this or not but Dan Aykroyd owns the vodka company, Crystal Head Vodka. So I would say that your signed bottle is pretty damn cool even if the bottle is tacky.
So, I'm just now catching up on this show on The History Channel "Swamp People". This might be the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. These assholes are hamming it up and so over-the-top because of the cameras, its just ridiculus. I love how they are yelling and fallng all over the place, trying to make it look like a life-or-death situation, and then the gator they pull up is only like 5 or 6 feet. I love it. Oh, and of course two of the guys are from my town. Awesome. In other news, I've just discovered this group, and I'm liking them more and more, the more I listen to them:
Yeah, I'm aware. But, I'm pretty sure Dan Aykroyd's signature makes anything more tacky, not less. Also, pretty sure he was drunk when he signed it.
Yeah, their new album is very bluegrass/country. I liked their other stuff, too, but this album is my favorite. Neo-folk is the shit. Check out the Avett Brothers and Frightened Rabbit, also, if you haven't already. They've got similar country folk sounds going on.
Well, he was definitely drunk when he designed it. Or he could have been pretending to be a pirate. Not that, in my experience, the two are in any way mutually exclusive.