This must be my defend a pop star day, because I agree on Justin Bieber. He seems to me to have a Justin Timberlake back in the day appeal almost. Seems like a nice kid, some musical talent, has shown some acting ability and comedic timing on the things that he has done on SNL and The Daily Show. His worst enemy will be the fortune and fame and pressure, so whether he Lindsey Lohan's it, or keeps his cool like JT remains to be seen. I also found myself defending Katy Perry and her awesome tits to my husband earlier. God love her and bless her heart, but she just can't sing, but she is just cute as a button and tries really hard. More importantly, when did I become my grandmother?
To go a bit off topic (coffee+disarono, dig it), does anyone else think Emily Deschanel is way hotter than Zooey?
As far as Bieber goes, the first time I ever saw him he was on a rip-off Japanese game show. The one where you're with a group, people fuck with someone in the group, and you can't make too much noise (I think it's the Library or something like that). He was on there with Asher Roth and I just assumed it was his brother. Pretty in tune, I know. His performance wasn't that bad, he's Miley Cyrus with a penis.
Am I the only one watching Spartacus instead of the Grammys? Every time I turn them on I see something irritating. When did it become a freak show? Will the Oscars stoop to this level eventually as well?
I have never listened to her before, but have to completely agree with you. Actually, I was enjoying the production. Everyone kinda showed up and it was fun (even though I thought the country chick was misplaced a bit, good song though). I was dancing in my living room at some points...and then she came on. She fucking sucks. EDIT Christmas Scotch is why I'm here bitches.
I will be going to see the actual Justin Bieber movie sometime this week. The rest of you would probably prefer this.
Not sure what's gayer, you going to see his movie or having this YouTube clip on tap. Get a hold of yourself girl.
Grammy Rant: What. The. Fuck. Was. That? Who on God's green Earth decided that that last performance was music? Arcade Fire? Easily the worst music in existence. It was just a bunch of emo kids screaming into a microphone/megaphone with a lot of flashing lights and Matt Hoffman riding around on a bike. There was '0' musical talent there. I could make better music than that and I have no rhythm to speak of. Edit: And they win album of the year. Who the fuck are they and who is voting for this shit to be played on the radio? How the hell did they beat out Em and Katy Perry? And on a side note...lady gaga has some horn growing out of her shoulder. Hopefully an alien burst out of it and she dies.
jesus fucking christ. Arcade Fire is fucking trash. god damn hipster crap. I hope em shoots them all.
I enjoy Arcade Fire now and again. But I can understand if they aren't your cup of tea. I can also understand making an argument for an Eminem win, but to try and stack Katy Perry against them is a fucking farce.