Yes. You tip on original price, not what you actually paid. You do not tip on a free drink if paying cash. However, if you're paying with a credit card, you should take the free drink into consideration. My rule is to tip twice on freebies, helps keep them coming in the future. Only time I would tip less than $1 per drink is if ordering a pitcher, or several beers of the same type at once. Getting two of the same bottles takes pretty much the same effort as one, since they only have to take 1 order, make change once, etc. Multiple shots maybe as well, when it's mixed once and then just poured into several glasses.
Crazy. I do something similar up here. "You motherfuckers" = The motherfuckers I am addressing "All you motherfuckers" = Each and every one of the motherfuckers to whom I am speaking Etc. You're making that 'W'all' shit up, right? No way that's a thing.
It's complicated. You have to add a syllable in there but it rolls. It ends up sounding more like "wee-all." The Y sound gets dropped. And I'll have you know that my accent really isn't that noticeable at all.
I have a 445 brief for my flight tomorrow morning. Ugh. It means I can't drink tonight, but I can tomorrow!!!!
I'll forgive your misplaced apostrophe because I assume you were just blown away by the word. Not as common as y'all, but not unheard of either.
Seems like the TiB has quite a few Bammers and Barners here. I'm shocked. For those reading this with a quizzical look on your face, Bammers are Bama fans, Barners are Auburn fans, SheGirl and the avatar she hated after the Nat'l Championship knows which camp I'm in.
Hearing a woman who a) doesn't pronounce the name of her morning beverage "cawfee" or b) hasn't adopted that obnoxious Valley Girl nasal thing despite living on the opposite coast, would be a vacation for my ears. Drawl away.
I was having a discussion with a GF that works in a law office. She said she'd just finished having a convo with her Boss about whether or not his 17 and 19 year old kids should pay for their insurance and gas. My response was this: If they are old enough to drive they are old enough to assume some financial responsibility. But, insurance for kids is really costly so perhaps he could supplement it a little. As for gas. Seriously? Why is that even a question? When I got my license and a car and a job (all at about the same time) I paid for all that shit and once I hit 18 I paid rent in the form of the electric&phone bills. My Dad was a bit of a hardass. She added that he'd bought an Audi for one of the kids first car and the other a 2010 Civic. My first car was a 1977 Corolla. I loved that little car. I could cram 6 people in it and it was a stick. Belinda Carslile was often heard blaring from it. Thoughts? And listen close now, don't turn this into a young v. old battle. I'll ground y'all. Edited to add: I paid for half of the car and my parents matched me.
I think the kids should pay if they've got money. And if they don't have any money, they should have a very good reason (i.e., i don't have time to work because I'm getting a 4.0/playing a high level competitive sport/tuba/chess etc.). By the time you're 17-19, you should subsidize your own sitting around (if that's your steez).
Driving is a privilege. I think you are spot on with your opinion. My parents never bought me a car. When I borrowed theirs, I filled the tank back up. And when I got a ticket, I paid for it myself. My parents are hardasses about money, but they definitely instilled in me what was required for life and what was not. When you're 17, a car is not one of those things.
My parents basically fronted me the money for my first car, a 1993 Corolla, but I had to pay them back over time. They told me to get a job because insurance was expensive, and I'd need gas to make it go as well. I busted my ass bussing tables for a while until nepotism reared its beautiful head and I got a job at my father's office (perks of being the CFO's kid). I worked my ass off there, too, but I got paid $12/hr. for it and could afford insurance, gas, and pretty much anything else that I wanted. When it came to other things, they helped me out without asking to be paid back, but they stood firm on the car, and I'm glad they did. It taught me some degree of financial responsibility at an early age. There were plenty of people riding around in new cars their parent's bought them, and each and every one of them was perfectly happy coasting by and mooching. While that did seem glamorous at times (especially when I was elbow-deep in dirty dishes on the weekend), it felt good that I was footing my own bill. Should I have the chance, I'll do the same with my kids.
I paid for my first horse and buggy . . .I mean car, with my own savings, and of course I paid for my own gas, repairs, etc. My dad added me to his insurance policy, which back then didn't amount to much of an increase. The cost of things being what they are these days, I fully expect to help my daughter buy her first car if I ever want her to leave the house.
Anyone ever install Joomla on a Godaddy account? I'm so scared right now. Edit: Ooops. It's still installing. Slow ass jive mother fuckin' programs.
I got my first car from my parents when I turned 16 in 2002. I had to pay my all insurance, tax, maintenance, and gas since that day. Considering I got a free car, I didnt complain that much. However, it put me in the debt I am in now because I wasnt making enough for the repairs and had to put it on a credit card. What makes me mad is my girlfriend is 23, makes 20k more than me (shes a night nurse) and lives at home, and her mom pays all her car repairs and college loans. But she bitches about having to pay for her car insurance, it drives me insane.
Since January, I have averaged a bottle of wine and a sixpack per week. Plus two small bottles of scotch, which divides up rather small. This is actually giving me some pause. Perhaps there's some mild concern that I'm drinking too much. But more concerning is the amount of money being spent. Then again I'm hardly hurting for cash and I am getting a serious pay upgrade in May. Also concerning is that as fast as I buy it, I run out. I have one beer and barely a glass of scotch left. This will not abide.