I've lived in the South for most of my life, my family goes back 5 generations in Texas, and I've never, ever heard of "w'all". I think that's some kind of fucked up Deep South shit.
As I mentioned on the previous WDT, I've been working on a deal to take over a website that had been defunct for a while. After about 8 months of the deal stalling over an endless barrage of non-issues, I told the owner it's time to shit or get off the pot. He told me he wasn't interested in the site any more, didn't want to deal with it. I still want it for the branding, the old articles, etc. Since I don't have any money, I can't pay him anything for it, so instead I offered 30% of revenues up to $30k, which I think is really fucking generous for something that's never brought in any money and which he doesn't even want any more. His response was that I'd "you gotta do better than that, lad. easier to shut it down." Lad? Seriously? Who do you think you are? Hosni Mubarak? And really? Easier to shut it down than to just transfer ownership (we're both using GoDaddy, so it's super easy), and then just give me the passwords for the site, the Twitter account, etc? Maybe marginally easier, but not really. I asked him for a counteroffer, and it's been more than a day. Doubtful there will be an 11th hour appeal, so I'm launching a new site, that's basically going to do the exact same thing as the old site, but actually do it instead of just pussy footing around for months without doing anything. Planning on a Feb 21 start date. Thought I'd mention this since there's a lot of lawyers on the board, and I'm going to need people to write guest articles and participate on panels (like the Lawyer Wimps one that Phila, Dr Rob and I did a while back). Trying to make a viable business out of this so I can move out of my parents' house and maybe get laid. Sucks that the original deal didn't work out, but I'm so glad to be over it.
Don't even fucking pretend Texas is The South. Seriously. That shit's a hangin' offense in the real South. That being said, I was born and raised in New Orleans and currently live there, but between college and moving back here I lived in North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia and never once heard "w'all". Hell, I even graduated from The University of the South and heard more fucked up lowcountry, backwoods, redneck accents than most of you can imagine and not one of those hillbillies said "w'all".
I don't pay for my own car insurance. But then again, I don't have a car and have no idea how to drive one, so I think it's a justifiable thing to skimp out on.
Why don't y'all come over here to 'Bama, and w'all go out for drinks and work out this linguistic conundrum.
Let's put it this way: if three of you can't sit beside each other in a pick-up because of your hats, you're in the south.
I meant "south" referring to states south of the Mason-Dixon. I HAVE lived in real southern states (not TX) but figured nobody really gave a damn.
By that standard, Mexico is Southern. The surefire way of determining whether or not you are in The South is whether or not there is barbecue sauce on beef anywhere in the state.
1. Acquire alcohol. 2. Drink alcohol. 3. Repeat step 2. 4. Post in WDT. 5. Repeat step 2. 6. Repeat step 4. 7. Repeat step 2. 8. Photograph self topless. 9. Repeat step 2. 10. Post in Boobie thread. 11. Repeat step 2. 12. Pass out. 13. Wake up, drink Coke, take Advil. 14. Return to computer with Rep over 5000.
If you include Texas, Maryland, and Florida in the South, and think no one would give a damn, then no, no you have not lived in real southern states.
I got my new Sony Vaio today, damn this thing is sexy. It just feels good. And hooray Left Hand Brewery, this milk stout is AWESOME!
Geographically, they're South. Culturally, hell no. That's an insult to all three of those states. Nobody gives a damn about me rattling off the places I've lived. And, I got the fuck out of Louisiana and Georgia as quickly as I could.
Anyone know if Maker's Mark put out a special bottle (white label instead of tan) for the Auburn BCS championship? I'm not an Auburn fan, but I like collecting the different bottles, and think it would look nice behind my Alabama BCS bottle.