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The Showdown: PS3 or Xbox 360

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gogators, Jan 4, 2011.


Which should I get? PS3 or Xbox 360?

  1. PS3

    97 vote(s)
  2. xbox360

    79 vote(s)
  1. Hogie

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    A recent update upgraded the PS3s bluray player to a 3D bluray player... suck on that xcocks.
  2. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    I have a 360. It's fine and it does the job. But the Kinect is meh. I initially went 360 for Gears of War. When it came out it was far and away the best in class. Now there's not so much to separate the available games. I got a new 360 recently because my old one had shit itself and I had a bunch of 360 games already, but if I'd be able to swap my games one for one for PS3 equivalents? I probably would have given the ps3 a shot. I do generally prefer the 360 controllers for hand comfort though. But the PS3 isn't that different really.

    The PS3 wand of homosexuality is I think the best of the motion based games interfaces. It's the smoothest and most natural to use out of the box and it's generally nice. Thing is, if I want to go bowling or dancing or something - I'd rather go fucking bowling or dancing than stand in front of my TV. And no matter how well the thing works, short of making it a rainbow penis, there's no way they could have made the thing more fucking flamboyantly camp.

    The Wii balance board games are without question the funniest for videotaping your drunk friends. I'd have a Wii and a Wiifit for that alone. Mario kart is also fun - but really none of the Wii games are as playable for me as the general games for 360.
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ive been die hard Sony since I bought my first Playstation. Back in my ign board days Id have these arguments all day long. I really don't care that much anymore. Ive played a few of the Xbox exclusives on friends and family's systems but I never grew attached too them to want to buy one. On the other hand Ive grown to love all of the Sony exclusives.

    My little brother had an xbox360 with live and swore PS3s online couldnt compete. After I got Modern Warfare 2 for PS3 he played it heavily and eventually admitted that the extras you got with Live weren't as "can't live without" as he thought. Cross game chat seemed to be the biggest sticking point but I never knew what the fuck that was....
  4. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I've got a PS3 and a Wii.

    I'd had the Wii for a while and considered it pretty good gimmicky fun when it first came out. Ultimately, all I was playing it for was the Guitar Hero games I'd bought. Then I started getting lag problems, so I recently re-bought all the games on the PS3 (it pissed me off enough to make it nigh unplayable). I've debated about getting rid of it or keeping it for the little guy when he's a bit older. Pending something good to come out to replace it, which is likely, I'll keep it there.

    The PS3 I initially bought predominantly for the blu-ray capability. I'm a gamer but find that the games I most often want to play, I'm unable to most of the time due to motion sickness issues. But when I do want that, I've got rechargeable controllers without having to go to extra expense, I've got built in wireless and I've got free game networking. I also don't have the red ring of death, although PS3s can have hdd problems.

    I'd consider an Xbox for the Kinect, but it's too new and Sony will probably bring something similar ultimately. Even then, it's not going to replace the real stuff I could walk outside and do. And it's only a matter of time before a cheeto eating couch monkey herniates himself into a heart attack with the thing. I've already stuck my hand in a ceiling fan using a friend's one.
  5. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Just as a side note - 360 slim (the current generation/kinnect supporting devices) come with built in wireless and an additional 2 years of warranty in regards to overheating (RROD) issues. The Red Ring Of Deathis pretty rare in later models and almost unknown in the slim (where it's a red dot of death). I think for me at this point, if I didn't have a library of games - my buying decision would be down to which controllers were the most comfortable in my hand.
  6. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    That reminds me of another PS3 advantage. If you're even minorly technically inclined, you can replace the PS3 hdd with basically any size laptop hdd you want. Xbox goes all proprietary with their shit. Seriously, the PS3 replacement process is as easy as Googling and following step-by-step.

    I own both systems and, to this point, buy cross-platform FPSs for 360 only because I have more friends on Xbox Live than PS3. I don't know how much longer I'm going to do this, as paying $60/year for XBL just to play COD and Halo is more than a little ridiculous. I don't use the ESPN features on XBL and I have Netflix set up on 360, PS3 and Wii. Now that most of my XBL friends are playing COD Black Ops, which I didn't buy, I think it's time to start purchasing the cross-platform shooters on PS3 and play online for free. I also like the fact that Playstation Network uses dollars & cents in their online purchases and not Microsoft FuckYou Points, but that's just my personal preference.

    Sony definitely seems to be producing more AAA exclusive titles over the past few years. I'll take Uncharted 1&2 (3 in 2011), MGS4, Little Big Planet (2 in 2011) and ModNation Racers over Halo Reach and Gears of War any day. Also, on PS3 you can very easily back up all your save data to a USB stick. Can you do this on a 360?

    Don't let the Xbox's price fool you. It's approx $20 for the rechargeable controller battery pack, which you're going to want. If I was picking one or the other, I'd gladly pay $80 more for PS3 to have a fantastic Blu Ray player as well.
  7. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I like the PS3 controllers, though the last time I used an xbox was before the 360 came out.

    When I was trying to figure out which one to get a year or two ago, having a built in blu-ray player and the general ease of set up and use were key factors for me. Since getting it, I've enjoyed the games and use it to play those, plus netflix and occasional blu-rays. I don't really play games online though so that's not as big a deal for me, but I don't like first person shooters on a console anyway.

    God of War 3 is almost worth the price of admission right there.
  8. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Why don't you just buy a used one of each? Spend time playing with both of them to figure out which platform and function you prefer, then by the newest version of whichever one you like. Seems there is support for both, and generally comes down to personal preference.
  9. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    I got the PS3 when it was brand new. In five years, or maybe four, the software updates and everything have kept it up to speed. I'd recommend it to anyone.
  10. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    I have the wii, 360 + kinect, and ps3.
    The wii is a great 'fun' system. Not something I'd consider for 'serious' gaming though. I'm a Mario series fan, so the wii is perfect for me in that respect. Everything else about it, I'm pretty meh. I like the MLB game on it, but swinging the controller starts to bother my elbow, not gonna lie. Probably bad form though.
    The 360...I've just never gotten into it. My boys are Halo fans, so they love it, and it's been a solid system thus far.
    The Kinect is pretty cool. It is a novelty, and probably something that you wouldn't play regularly, so I wouldn't suggest you take it into consideration when weighing your choices.
    The ps3 is the one I'm spending most time with lately. Mainly because I've rediscovered Assassin's Creed and how much I enjoy that game. The controller is great for my wee small hands, and as far as value goes, you're getting a game system, a blu-ray player, and online play for a one time investment.

    For value, the PS3 all the way.
  11. BeCoolBitch_BeCool

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    Oct 22, 2009
    As an owner of both, I have to agree with all the PS3 people. The only complaint I have is that if you buy a game that's more than a month old, prepare to watch the latest patches load for a half hour the first time you pop the game in.
  12. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm not even vaguely defending the Xbox 360 here - but you can just bang one or two USB sticks, up to 16gb each into your 360 to expand the harddrive. Which is a relatively recent change. Although the FAQ for why you can't read past the first 16gb of your usb harddrive if you plug something bigger in is hillarious.

    Or 'It's better than it was. Fuck you'

    And yes, it's pretty easy to move your save data to a USB stick.
  13. lugmastro

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 5, 2009
    Immersed in a culture devoid of human intelligence
    Xbox destroys PS3 in every way possible. Use the marketplace a couple times and then tell me how PS3 can keep up. Sure you can watch Blurays that you buy or rent. I can get all of them in HD from my box whenever I want them. Netflix is just yet another way. Fuck waiting for discs in the mail, just hop on and watch them instantly.

    The Kinect is far superior to any other similar system. You hold nothing, and you never need to buy other controllers (like the wii). It is a thermal imager that reads your body shape and instantly reacts to your movement, and it has better voice recognition than anything else I have ever used.

    For the sports junkies you have ESPN3 streaming also.

    Sorry for the horribly illiterate post. After 12 hours teaching drool cup kids how to use Falcon View( map manipulation software) I could careless about how coherent I am in this post.
  14. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I bought a PS3 off of one of my buddies for $100. I wish I had an Xbox, despite the fact that the PS3 is in most respects a better, more powerful and more reliable console. Why?

    Because that's what all of my buddies have and use. So, now I play Modern Warfare with my girlfriend's little brother, instead of my gang of friends.
  15. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    For my money:

    The Xbox has better multiplayer and more consistent "good rounds" (obviously depending on the game and number of 12-year-olds) but you do have to pay $50 a year for it. Not really that much though. Stuff like roster downloads, online patches, etc. are free. And Live was integrated better with the rest of the Xbox experience than the PS3's system, last time I tried it out anyway.

    Xbox has the better/deeper games library as well. Not only considering exclusives, but also the fact that (for whatever reason) 360 ports tend to be better than PS3 ports, or at least there are less games that could be said to have "porting problems" to 360. That said, the PS3 has backwards compatibility for original Playstation and (on certain models) PS2 games, which, considering that the PS2 had by far the best game library out of the past generation of consoles, may be a nice value for you.

    The PS3 has Blu-ray which I find personally useless (having neither the TV nor the inclination to pay extra for HD movies, versus pirating them) but if this is a big selling point for you, you may prefer the PS3.

    I much prefer the Xbox controller to the Playstation one. PS2/3 controllers feel like children's toys to me, whereas the 360 controller fits nicely in my hand. Thumbsticks feel nicer too. Again, personal preference.

    Red Ring of Death is luck of the draw - I only got it once - shipped it back, got it fixed and returned within three days. That was two years ago or so.

    To sum up: Bought an Xbox 360 when Halo 3 came out, haven't been dissatisfied with any aspect of it.
  16. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Which direction did you think would take it? That's probably the one you should pick.

    As for me, PS3 all the way. I hate fees so xbox live is out of the question, true story, one of my friends is a millionaire and won't pay for xbox live because he can't justify the expense (yes, he's Jewish). Blue-Ray is on a different level than DVD's, nothing else to say there. As for cost, add up all the shit you'd need to make xbox playable (rechargeable batteries, external drives etc...) compared to PS3? Controller- you're already use to the PS3 controller and inertia is a powerful thing. Would you like to learn to drive a car where you can get .0125 extra miles to the gallon but the gas and brake pedals are switched? Probably not.
  17. WickedBitch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 1, 2010
    I'm exhausted and have taken a handful of melatonin so I can't be bothered right this second to read the whole thread (though I did skim the first few pages).

    I like my PS3 better for most of the reasons others have stated (Blu-Ray, controllers). One thing that I didn't see mentioned before I stopped reading is that there are more local multi-player games for the 360 than there are for the PS3, meaning you can play while sitting next to a pal on one machine (360) as opposed to having to play with someone across the house/street/town/planet who has another machine and surprise, surprise, another copy of the game (PS3). Double-dipping bastards.

    My husband bought the three year extended warranty on our PS3 from Target when he bought the console in Feb 2008. Our disc reader crapped out in the middle of '09. Target sent us a label, we mailed it to them, they fixed it and mailed it right back. All in all, took less than 2 weeks. They wiped our hard drive (my oldest was crushed, as he had been playing Bioshock on Survival mode and kicking hardcore ass - I tried to back it all up before we shipped it with no success) but that wasn't a surprise.

    Last year (mid-2010) our HDMI port stopped working after a particularly nasty thunderstorm. A call to Target told us that we had to go through homeowner's insurance (we rent, so no) before they would fix it. I called and spoke to another rep who said to send it in anyway and if it was determined to be caused by lightning, we'd have to go through some steps to prove we didn't have homeowner's insurance. We shipped it and a week later we got it back fully repaired with our save files still intact - no questions asked.

    Should it crap out in the next month, we will be covered again. I bitched at hubby for buying the "stupid" extended warranty but it has saved our ass twice now.
  18. Bjornturoc

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Xbox or PS3?

    Well, everyone has an Xbox. Also, people actually have and use mics on Xbox live. So, that's about it. The PS3 is better built, solid online (And FREEEEEE!), plus it's got the best future lineups in terms of shit you'll actually wanna play. Uncharted? That game and it's sequel fucked my shit up, and I'm pretty disappointed I'll be in A-school when the 3rd comes out in November '11. Probably not gonna be able to lock myself up for a few days to play it in those conditions. So, even if you're not socially psychotic like me, PS3 is a good call.
  19. Bjornturoc

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    You can also download movies on the PS3. HD, even.

  20. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Shhhh.... Fanboyism in progress.

    Neither system "destroys" the other system in any possible way. PS3 has blu-ray, a lot of exclusive titles (Uncharted, God of War), and free online play.

    Xbox has more First Person Shooters, better online integration (albeit with a fee), and a slightly larger game library at the moment (Halo, Gears of War).

    If more of your friends have the 360, and you love playing First Person Shooters online? Get an Xbox 360, buy Halo and whatever Call of Duty game is popular at the moment (Black Ops, I believe, though it is also available for PS3). If you prefer 3rd person action games (God of War, Uncharted) and want a top of the line Blu-Ray player? Get the PS3. Cost, in the end, will likely be a wash (more expensive PS3 system vs. less expensive 360 + cost of online every year + rechargeable battery packs for controllers), and it will come down to the following question:

    Which will you get more use out of?

    For me, personally, that is the PS3. For you, it may be different, but neither system is head and shoulders above the other, and to say so is absolutely silly.