This is actually worth mentioning. I get 100% better cooperation on XBL playing multiplayer shooters than PS3. A lot of people on PSN don't use mics, because they're too lazy to buy or sync up a Bluetooth. it's not a dealbreaker but it is noticeable.
Xbox 360 is so much better its laughable. The only thing PS3 has over the Xbox is the Blu-Ray player, which I could care less about. Xbox 360 Live Marketplace is leaps and bounds ahead of the PS3 in both being user friendly, and just awesome. I don't know what it is but the Xbox games are always just a little bit smoother and cleaner to me. The real lack of any online organization just making the PS3 miserable for online play.
I don't own either of them, but after reading through the thread, I was more convinced to buy a Playstation 3.
One last thing, if anyone wants to full-nerd with their PS3, get a PSP. 1. I have a 400GB HDD in my PS3 that does not void the warranty. 2. I can sync my PSP and PS3. 3. I can download any and all Xvid or AVI files and put them directly onto my PS3 and watch them in minutes. 4. I can take my PSP anywhere with a wireless connection and watch anything off my PS3 with the remote play feature. 5. I can play any PS1 game or PSP mini game saved on my PS3 HDD with the remote play feature. ALL the shit you want about the PS3 Move looking like a dildo. Yes it does. Play Sports Champions with competitive friends. Archery and the Gladiator game will have you forgetting that 90% of the games you play with the Move, the 1st player's Wand will be Pink/Fuschia and 2nd's will be teal with no option to change it. Best thing Move has over Kinect is that for some games, you can still sit down and play. Sometimes you want to come home and sit on the couch and just play. Kinect will have you standing up and jumping around all the time. And if you haven't played Heavy Rain using the PS Move, you haven't played a video game.
If I were to get the Kinect, I know I wouldn't get rid of all of my regular bang bang shoot 'em up games. They provide me hours of sit down play time. And, I know that the second my wife isn't looking, and I have enough funds, the PS3 will be coming to my home.