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The Softer Side of TiB

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, May 25, 2011.

  1. Luke 217

    Luke 217
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Provo. Spain?
    I wasn't really trying to be vague. I just couldn't be bothered to find the thread because I couldn't remember it, or her username,,,,, but since you all are right, and I was vague, and we should all laugh at her for being a noob...
    Here it is. Its the Birth Rape thread.
    I just re-read it, and she actually ended her first post with "God I hate Women" What the fuck did she expect from the Tibbettes on here?
  2. bewildered

    Expand Collapse
    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Do you really expect that she would have gotten any other response? That was a pretty passionate and (dare I say?) hateful post. She mentions that women are hormonal and dramatic, but she seems to exhibit that trait herself. Pretty ironic.
  3. Luke 217

    Luke 217
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Provo. Spain?
    No. Not at all. That's what's so fucking funny. While basically trying to call out her gender to calm down and shut the fuck up, she was doing it from the pulpit. I found it all insanely hilarious.
  4. Sicnevol

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 22, 2009
    and........ Back on track....

    What brings you to TiB?
    My brother got me IHTSBIH for a birthday present a long time ago. I laughed so hard while reading it I cracked a rib, so I looked up this " Tucker Max" fellow and found RMMB. After that day, I've been on regularly.

    What keeps you here?
    Honestly? Its the types of discussions. I can literally talk about whatever I want in the rant & rave thread, and 30 people will rep me with advice or well wishes. There is something to read no matter what mood I'm in at the moment. It affords me the chance to see how the male brain works which allows me to better temper my interactions with men.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?
    Not even a little bit. I'm the only chick in my family. Its pretty much like this in real life for me too. I've always been more direct and to the point as a result. To be honest, I fucking hate women oriented boards. Rarely do they lead to anything even slightly interesting. That could be my fault though because i'm not interested in things that are commonly associated with women. I wear make-up because I have too, I hate children, I think marriage is stupid, and most girls I meet are souls shrews with nothing to offer the world except the fact that they cart around a human making factory in their pants.

    So I actually feel more at home here with you dirty bastard then I do most other places. I know I can say what I mean and not be judged harshly for it. I love that I don't need to sugar coat things to make them more socially acceptable.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?
    I had that phase, I think we all did. I don't do it as much anymore but its interesting to read about other peoples days and nights.

    Have I told my significant other about this place.
    I don't have one of those, and haven't in about 7 years, so no. Would I, Maybe, it depends on how much I like him.

    I like all the other chicks here. They all seem really awesome. I know if I had a problem I could pm someone and they would offer honest uncensored advice. I respect that.
  5. Aetius

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    For the record, she has three negative reps on her record, one from a different post.
  6. bewildered

    Expand Collapse
    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Isn't it cute how much red dots scare new members?
  7. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Overreact much, does she?

    The funniest part I find is that it's a very rare case of a KiMaster Green in the wild.

    Attached Files:

  8. Nettie

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 1, 2010
    BFE, IL
    What brings you to TiB?
    I found Tucker's website from I can't even remember where before his book was even out. I went to that board about the same as I do here, sometimes daily, when I get busy, might not read for a few months. Found this place after one of my hiatuses from that board, and still lurk more than I post.

    What keeps you here?
    The fact that most things discussed are actually discussed. The fact that grammar, punctuation, no LOL's, smileys, etc., count. While some topics are kind of a "Huh?" thing, there are actually intelligent people here.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting?
    Nope. I've worked in male dominated industries pretty much all of my life, and it takes a lot to offend me.

    Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?
    I have stopped myself from posting sometimes due to the way threads go off tangent. When things turn from the actual original focus into the dick-waving, then I tend to mark the thread as read, and not even bother finishing it.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?
    Most of that for me was in years past. Although might be happening again soon... and around here, it's not unusual. The difference now is that most of my friends are married, and no longer do such things, but they certainly had their days as well.
  9. Binary

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    In fairness, I just read the "birth rape" thread because it was quite a debate, and the negative responses weren't just in red dots. Just a couple pieces:

    "...plain old invective and misogyny..."

    "...should probably shut the fuck up...rampant bullshit you spouted...Are you SURE you are a female?"

    " boo kitty (go) fuck (yourself)...misogynistic ability to think and reason...personal issues are beyond glaring...offensive right in here with the faction of fuckwads..."

    Not that it wasn't deserved, just sayin'...
  10. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    To me the funniest part of that whole thing is "fiance".

    Best of luck... let us know how it works out.
  11. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I actually thought it was her username. boo boo kitty fuck indeed.

    I suppose I should respond to the focus.

    What brings you to TiB?

    I've been on the TMMB/RMMB/TiB for 7 years come December. I had read some article on Tucker and clicked the link to his site via that. I read all of the stories he'd posted on his site and eventually made my way to the board. It was funny, intelligent and scary all at once.

    What keeps you here?

    Heh. Somedays I ask myself this same question, then I read something smart or funny. I read members giving helpful advice on typical daily subjects. I read about your pets and families, the ups and downs and I stay. Whether you know it or not, we all know one another probably better than any would admit. Some of us have been posting together for years and as odd as it is there is some sort of a bond in our community and personally, I like it.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Not at all. There are times when I read something and just shake my head but I may be a little different in that I'm a mod and can take more severe action when someone breaks an obvious rule. And I sure as shit don't hold back with what I say/post. I think everyone knows that.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    Nope only in that I'm older and basically over that part of my life but I still relate.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    Ahem. I think everyone knows if there was a prize for creepiest PM, who it'd go to. I never got anything prior to that that stepped that far beyond acceptable. I once got a very hot and sexy PM "story" a member had written after I'd posted about not getting any. That was on the RMMB but I think that member is here too, nothing before that and nothing since.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    If you're whoring it up chances are I glaze over your posts out of non interest and because I've seen that scenario play out countless times. However, for the most part the TiBettes (yes, I do like that) are a smart, funny group of gals with a thick skin, that can hold their own.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    I have only posted to one other board before, it was years ago and I modded for a friend that was a DJ as a favor. It was nothing like this place. Matter of fact due to where we came from I don't think there are many that are just like it is here. And a female board? Seriously? I'd pay money to watch the bitchy meltdown though.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    A SO and no way. It's all for me and I choose keep it that way. He has his shit and I have mine. Big deal.

    Which TIBer would you most like to have a one night stand with?

    No way I'm touching this.

    Which TIBette would you most like to have a one night stand with?

    See above.
  12. Nettie

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 1, 2010
    BFE, IL
    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?
    Honestly, haven't gotten any creepy ones.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.
    If you're whoring it up chances are I glaze over your posts out of non interest and because I've seen that scenario play out countless times. However, for the most part the TiBettes (yes, I do like that) are a smart, funny group of gals with a thick skin, that can hold their own.
    Pretty much this.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?
    My only other forums that I read on a consistent basis are basically gaming/geek forums. I come here for the actual intellect that exists between the hookups & drunk threads (which are a great source of amusement).

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?
    Nope. Nor do I tell my friends, family, etc. If I refer to something I read here, it's just, "On this one board I visit."
  13. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    I had a joke for this, but I don't even need to say anything here. This is just too easy.
  14. LatinGroove

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 28, 2010
    You shouldn't be. Personally I think most of the women on this board are pretty intelligent (at least the regular posters anyway) and funny. Couple that with being able to call someone out on their bullshit and you've got a desirable woman.
  15. Roxanne

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Just like the pony I did last night.
  16. Primer

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    I hear it was hung like a man with a very large penis.
  17. $100T2

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My wife likes to look at this board and check out the threads and stuff. She's tempted to join, but is actually a little afraid of you all.

    However, she thinks you're all pretty damn funny, and is amazed that "the Idiot Board people" donated all that money for volleyball. Maybe I can get her to at least agree to some titty shots.
  18. zyron

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    And $100T2 finally discovers all he needed to raise cash for volleyball charity.
  19. Pinkcup

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    What brings you to TiB?

    I found Tucker Max through Maddox, and I initially lurked for several months before joining and posting in a thread on the old TMMB. By the time the old messageboard shut down, I had already invested way too much time with you motherfuckers to just drop y'all here I am.

    Also, NettDaddy.

    What keeps you here?

    The occasional stellar thread topic. Certain members. Being able to rant semi-anonymously in a safe space about the shit going on in my life. Learning about subjects I normally wouldn't care about. The witty one-liners.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Sometimes, yes. But my commenting history amply proves that I have no issues whatsoever with expressing my unpopular opinion(s) on any/all subjects if I feel strongly enough about the subject matter.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    I don't particularly enjoy getting tanked, but I think my fondness for hooking up is certainly not common among most of my peers. That's another thing I like about this place- the ladies here are, for the most part, extremely sex-positive. I wish all of my peers took the same attitude towards recreational sex!

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    Shegirl mentioned the only pervert on here that has ever bothered me, so I can't really contribute more to the discussion than that. I'll occasionally send an unintentionally creepy rep/PM, maybe it's me?

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    I like all of y'all. Seriously.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    I'm a member of a few popular feminist-y commenting communities, so this isn't my only online watering hole (I know, I know...I'm a dirty cheater). I think I'm just a creature of habit. Also, it's a different brand of funny over here...I can't seem to find it replicated anywhere else.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    I have a boyfriend, but I wouldn't ever tell him about this place. Well, I'd tell him (hey, he might be an excellent commenter and I'd be depriving the world of his wit and wisdom...maybe) but I wouldn't direct him to my posts or anything. In fact, I keep my internet commenting a complete secret. He doesn't need access to every aspect of my life.

    Which TIBer would you most like to have a one night stand with?


    Which TIBette would you most like to have a one night stand with?

  20. Rhysma

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?
    I was on the TMMB for years, having first found Tucker through a guy I was dating. I found the intellectual-ish topics intriguing and some of the other antics funny. I liked the behind-the-scenes look at guys and their behavior and I think in a way, it shaped the way I approach relationships. Inherently, I am an asshole (or maybe just a bitchy person) I don't like people and I find that most of the girls in Tucker's stories to be deserving of the treatment they received due to their own behavior and the situations they put themselves in. The logical conclusion was to follow you over here when the board shut down.

    What keeps you here?
    Internet boredom mostly. There are very few sites that I visit religiously since they begin to get on my nerves. I guess you win.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?
    I'm not a girly-girl. I have always been a tom boy that could hang with the guys. I went to school to become a programmer and then worked in IT for awhile. That is such a male-dominated work environment that if you can't hang with the guys you aren't going to make it. Now I'm a teacher of programmers and I get very few females, which I think helps me relate to my students better. I doubt that my opinions would differ far from your own should I feel that I wanted to express them.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?
    I was this way in my younger years but I have slowed down now that I have found my live-in guy. Maybe I've just gotten old. Now I just drink and stay home. I don't have a lot of female friends due to a vastly different outlook on life and my opinions.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?
    You guys are fairly interesting and provide a unique look into several topics I wouldn't have learned about on my own. Most forums are topical to a certain hobby or are overrun with idiots posting shit that drives me away. I think it is a rare thing that you have going on here.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM'
    I lurk a lot and will not post my tits. I don't have a lot of interaction with you, so I can't say.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?
    He knows. He reads the forum occasionally when I tell him about a funny thread. He is behind me right now, mocking that I am making this post. I'm pretty sure he think you're all morons.

    Which TIBer would you most like to have a one night stand with?
    Not going to happen.

    Which TIBette would you most like to have a one night stand with?
    Girls are prettier than you fools but it's not going to happen either.

    edit: Sorry, just drinking my coffee.