Go! They have fucking dinosaurs with saddles on them in there. Apparently The Flintstones was a fact-based show to Ken Ham.
That shit is always a clusterfuck. You rarely get the debates and discussions between any sort of logical Christian and an open minded scientist. Its always a lunatic close minded creationist and an equally sure of themselves atheist scientist, aka every time you had Christopher Hitchens obliterate some bible thumping whackjob. People gleefully use it as a way to throw shade at religion, when in reality it was more a superior debator against someone unprepared and narrow focused. This was almost the opposite, Bill Nye got smoked cause he can't debate. TL/DR more respectful thoughtful discussion, and less stuff like the time Brendan Flowers from the Killers went on a European talk show to talk about his album and they brought on an atheist as another guest and bumrushed him with jabs at his religious beliefs.
So do you ever get one of those memories? You know, where you are standing turning steaks on the grill with a BBQ fork,and suddenly a memory pops into your head about something horribly embarrassing, and you want to put that fork through your eye? (thank you Mr. Carlin) Well I just had one of those. I was just chatting on facebook with an ex-girlfriend, a wonderful, beautiful girl who is deserving of only the best the universe can offer. Somehow, I had managed to bury in my mind that while house-sitting for her parents while the family was overseas, I invited a girl down. I did this girl in my then girlfriend's bed, the guest bed, her parent's bathtub, the outside hot tub, and the kitchen. Now I think of what I did, and am ashamed. Man, I am fucked up. At least I married one of them, right?
I hope that story came up on your wedding day. Like, in one of the toasts. Having said that, did your now-wife know that she was banging you in your then-girlfriend's parents' house?
If you are in a debate and your claim is the the earth is 6000 years old, the cardiac line goes flat and the patient dies on the table. Nye can't debate but his point is that is that this isn't a debate between evolution and creationism, it is a debate between science and anti-science. And since the topic at hand is in fact science, if you're anti- science you've already lost. Creationism is not a matter of opinion. It is a wrong one. If Ham chose instead to debate Sam Harris, Harris would have ate his lunch.
Yup. It was an awkward conversation to say the least. Yet she stuck through it, and we are of course fine today, but it is one of those things you just bury, and then *boom* every few years it sneaks up and mind rapes you.
The issue will always be that there's no such thing as a debate about the scientific merits of creationism. The whole premise was laughable. No amount of logic on the part of the creationist, or open-mindedness on the part of the scientist, is going to resolve the fundamental problem which is the two positions are not only incompatible, but aren't even arguing the same topic. Everyone can believe what s/he wants, but creationism is a faith, and evolution is a scientific theory. Either you believe in the scientific theory, or you believe in the faith, but there's no way to argue between the two. There is no scientific merit to creationism, and faith does not require scientific explanation, so what is there to even discuss?
Welp. British boy, 13, rapes his 8 year old sister after watching porn on Xbox and deciding he wanted to "try out" some moves.
Not to get too religious and deep, but if you look at it as "Young Earth creationism" like Ham does, then yes, the Earth isn't 6000 years old. Does not compute. But there are plenty of creationist beliefs that are more nuanced than in exactly 7 days everything came to be, popped out of a mold. Hell, there are plenty of people who believe in Intelligent Design that acknowledge that its more nuanced than that. I had a religious studies professor in college who spent a good chunk of a class talking about the debate over the meaning of the 7 days and how its pretty accepted, except with the Young Earth crowd, that "days" was a subjective measure and it was more like eons, etc... Thats what I was getting at. Its more debate about what caused it all and perhaps fueled later stages, and less black and white like this debate was.
Am I the only one who sees ads on here for Christianmingle and contemplates joining just to see if I can get some ass on the first date?
The one girl from the Christian Mingle commercial I've seen on TV is a smokeshow. Methinks most of the site isn't made up of her type however.
Be weary of Christian Mingle. Those girls are the type that accidentally let you knock them up on a first date so they can get pregnant. You have to wonder what kind of girl who is the Churchy type can't find someone to knock her up in her church community. If she's so crazy she can't find someone there, you don't want anything to do with her. When I lived in Florida I made a fake profile to see what would happen. I used Darren Helm's photo but the problem was I said I was Catholic. I got nothing, not even a whiff. Apparently girls in Florida don't like them Catholics. Btw, Creationists won that debate. Why? Because everyone is fucking talking about it. If you want the crazy people to go away don't acknowledge them, by giving them attention you only make things worse.
Um, wow. It's weird how there is no mention of parents in this article. I can't even imagine the absolute failure as a parent where you haven't taught your 13 year old that sexually assaulting your sister is a no no.
There is probably a bit of bad parenting here, but I think its more the kid an outright sociopath. Most kids have some intuition that maybe its wrong to sexually assault and rape someone, especially their 8 year old sister.
The kid knew what he was doing. He intentionally targeted his sister because "She's small and wouldn't remember stuff." I don't see a parent teaching that sort of value to a child. Parents may have a lot of blame laid at their feet for what their children do, and rightfully so, but sometimes wonderful, loving parents can be raising a bad seed.
I just wanted to quote this, because I feel like it got missed in the Starbucks discussion and that is downright Un-American\Australian\Norwegian\Russian\etc.
I think this thread really needs this My dog head butted me in the mouth once. Apparently he was sneezing and my face was in the way.
I am certain a dog's skull is made of the same stuff they tile the Space Shuttle with. They could dent machine-steel.
5 year old Disney star gets death threats. Someone, somewhere, is so pissed at a 5 year old they wrote her death threats. Thank God, really, finally someone knocked that uppity bitch down a peg. A poster in the comments said it was probably in response to an episode of Goodbye Charlie revolving around a character with two moms. That's just fantastic. Out of all the misplaced rage in their tiny little head they direct it on a 5 year old instead of the show's writers.