Did you ask everyone at the wedding if they wanted to donate eggs? Because one of Mrs. Noland's relatives did that at the reception with 300 guests.
Chicken or human? Like, was this a fertility ploy? Or were they going to go egging after the reception? So many questions.
Human. they married late and she was in her early 50s and wanted a baby and couldn't do it herself apparently, so she asked 300 people if they would be willing to have eggs harvested so they could have a child. You could have heard a pin drop after she laid that one on us. The (former) stripper wife of one of Mrs. Noland's cousins sitting next to me echoed all of our thoughts with a muttered "Dude. That's fucked up."
I guess you probably wouldn't find that as an option on the Tiffany registry. Gravy boat... chafing dish... ovum...
I know they are proud of his accomplishments as a boxer: But do you have to pose with him dead while taking pictures? That's just...weird. He's dead! So, anyone do it?
You know what? I don't see a problem with it. Odd to drop it in a room full of people instead of cornering a few close friends to hit them up for biological resources, but why is this so weird? They want a kid, are obviously going to care for it properly. How is that so bad? I'd give up my sperm for a friend. In a heartbeat... right after we sign the financial liability waiver contract. My friends were looking for sperm and got this hulking monster they know to agree (they wanted a super-human baby), but one of the gals got cold feet because she didn't trust the guy's parents. Egg donations are expensive. This is just savvy business. Plus there is the added bonus of your biological material infiltrating a different family.
Someone did. No one really knows who or if they got a stranger to do it, but they have a little boy now.
All of the last 4 weddings I've went to had the stupid whiny piece of shit rat/dog involved in the wedding some how. What the fuck is wrong with people (and/or) the woman they married?
And in some states, you better make sure you use a licensed physician for the donation, or you could be held liable for child support years later, despite signing contract waiving parental rights.
I think people (usually women) who treat dogs like their kids, you know--dressing them up and treating like people are insane. Usually they scare any relationship away, I'm surprised they got as far as a wedding. They are an equally creepy offshoot of Divorced-Guy-With-A-Ponytail who goes rollerblading in Jory's with his parrot.
Re: Re: THE SUPERBOWL WDT That's a big scam going on right now, usually on Craigslist, "lesbian" couples post online and get some lonely bastard to knock one of them up. Then they sue for child support and get it every time.
If some guy is stupid enough to be trolling through craigslist and happens to find this add, and then unbelievably does this, they deserve what they get. Its really shocking how stupid people are. What are you guys drinking tomorrow? Are you guys going to bow down to the advertising powers and drink Bud Light? I imagine I'll be having some Fat Tire or a nice Great Divide IPA.
I have several bombers in the fridge including a Bear Republic Racer X, a Rogue 7 Hop, and a most precious Omnipollo Fatamorgana, one of the best beers I've ever had. Plus an appalling amount of chili which means I'm going to have an entire orchestral section in my pants tomorrow night.
Re: Re: THE SUPERBOWL WDT I mean front he sounds of the article they didn't go to a fertility doctor to have the work done and in that state a doctor is required to be involved for them to legally call it the lesbos couple's child. So as Im reading it, the dude fucked one of the lesbians?
Re: Re: THE SUPERBOWL WDT I read another article where I believe it stated he provided a sample and they inserted it themselves. There are also home insemination kids available as well now, so that could cause problems as well. I think the defendant was also making the argument that anyone could then order sperm from a sperm bank, inseminate themselves, then demand child support from the guy.
I thought sperm banks were supposed to be anonymous. All the information they get is the race, age, education social status, etc. And I'd be willing to bet there are a lot of guys out there that if presented to option to bang a lesbian, no strings attached with the intent on making her pregnant, there would be no short supply. As stupid as it sounds.
So some of you might remember that a few weeks ago I mentioned that while jägerette was away we were playing long distance truth or dare. One person said she had to answer a pizza delivery in her underwear, which she did. So we have reached a problem. I dared her that if she got a tattoo, I couldn't back out of any dare for any reason. So now I have to go to the store with a Hitler Mustache.
If anyone says anything - do what The Husband does when he wears the Hitler - he says "I'm Jewish. I'm must taking it back."