You just go through fish like they're disposable napkins don't you? Bela 1, Bela 2, Bela 3. WHERE DOES IT STOP?
Sounds like someone has a weekend project they need to 'take care of'. What would your mother say if you told her you got less than 100%?
I have only had one girlfriend I fucked in the car. We found all sorts of creative places, like a mall parking garage in Santa Monica, at peak time on a friday. The worst though was an elementary school parking lot. I really regret throwing the condom out the window.
Car sex stopped being a consideration once I, and the girls I was fornicating with, got my own place and didn't live with my parents. There are infinity more comfortable and inviting spots to get it on. Car sex pros and cons: Pro: Having sex Con: Uncomfortable Possible police harrassment Driving to wherever you are going after the best part of the drive is over I could see it if you were being dropped off and you needed one last fix, but not at the start. Let that anticipation build.
First time with my wife was in my car. Of course I'm classier than Angel, it was in her apartment building parking lot, not a bar. Ewww. We only met at a bar. But it's worked out okay after 12 years.
Okay, I have to ask. You were in the parking lot of her building. Why not just go upstairs and have sex at her place? At least the bar was far enough away from either of our houses for the mood to have been impeded by transit.
Having my own place has nothing to do with car sex. I'm all about whenever the mood strikes. I just don't think its a good idea for someone you want to be involved with long term on the first try. I've had countless car encounters with long term girlfriends or randoms. I've lost count at the amount and the types of places.
She was living/going to school in Toronto, and living with her dad in London. You see, I don't believe that the first time should be special. I feel it should be soon.
My first time was in a car. In church parking lot. I didn't throw the condom out the window. Because I didn't use one. #highfive #stupidteenager
You need to have sex in your own car at least once. Just like a house isn't a home until you have sex in it either. It is just something you need to check off your fuck-it list. Its universal, it just needs to happen. Not saying its great, or its bad, but it just has to be checked off your list.
To this day, I can't drive by a Jetta Wolfsburg Edition without getting fond memories of all the car sex. I don't have car sex anymore, and haven't since I was in my early (very early) 30's. I like being uninjured after sex.
I like how you edited this to specify "your own car." Nothing worse than bringing your mom's car back and it smells like hot nookie. That'd be an interesting ride to school the next day. Maybe hang an extra pine tree freshener from the rear view mirror.
Yeah. My friend drove a Tempo, "The Ghetto Porsche" as he called it, that smelled entirely like fuck fumes as soon as you sat in it. He used to nail slutty girls at our school constantly so we refused to sit in the back seat. Stank is such a hard thing to remove, and it's only enjoyed by its owner.
I had sex in a car once. I hated it. Well, I guess I should say I didn't enjoy it. He was tall and lanky. Very uncomfortable. But it was in a Trans Am, so that was pretty cool. Or was it a Camaro? He also threw the condom out the window. It was out in the boonies at some hall, you know where they have cheap bridal showers. I also had sex in either a little league dugout or the concession stand that they sell stuff at little league games. I'm leaning towards the concession stand as I think we broke in. Also sucked, but it was the same guy, so I'm thinking it was him. Couldn't possibly have been me as we all know it's guys that control how good sex is. What a crappy memory that I only remember bits and pieces of. Although I did love wandering around that town at all hours of the night. Was it weird having a guy watching you masturbate? Holy shit! Update in the TiBer thread! Yay!