The weird thing about working in a city where you were born and raised, and near the college and gradeschool you that you see people you know all the freaking time. Some days this is okay, and some days I want to hide under a rock. Like today I got to serve a table with my parents' neighbors. These people own two aggressive dogs that they allowed to roam the neighborhood and this was a problem for me when I lived at my parents' house for a couple months after moving back. No, going to the mailbox with a shovel isn't cool, so after speaking directly with the neighbor did nothing, I called the pound and the dog catcher spoke with them. They ended up repairing their back fence and it's all cool now. Except maybe not because they introduced themselves (I didn't immediately recognize them) as the "Your mom's neighbors with the shithead dogs." Fucking fantastic.
Good bye dream job. I had to leave the house for a few hours the other day. I got back home and my aunt and cousin were telling me someone had called for me. "Who?" "We can't remember." "Try real hard, this is important." "The guy asked for you." "Yeah I get that, who called for me?" "His name was Bart. Or Brad. He called from Nevada. You should apply for food stamps." Some day I'll write up a story about this shit. It'll blow your mind.
A 17-year-old winked at me. I think..I think I got a little flutter in my belly. It's gonna be a great day! I just know it!
And this is precisely why it is impossible for a hot female teacher to take advantage of a teenage boy. IMPOSSIBLE.
Don't talk down about the teachers. At least they show commitment, and have sex with the same student. Debra LeFave FTW
Shitting where you eat is not good. Mmkay? Actually, it's bad. Really really bad. MmmKay?* *this could also go into the Rant thread.....
You can't just skip to the end like that, broski. Details. You wouldn't watch Twilight: Eclipse before watching Twilight: New Moon, would you? Insanity!
I'd like to think that he's trying to do the right thing by letting a black guy beat the shit out of him on television. Either that or it is exactly what America deserves for considering him a "celebrity."
Long story short. Small office+girl with severe personality disorder(s)+ bumping uglies= very stressful situation for yours truly. None of our personal interactions have come to light publicly but the way any and all work interactions now seem to lead to intense arguments it won't be long before things come to a head in a very bad way.
You screwed a girl with severe personality disorder? Even without her working with you that'd be a bad idea. How drunk were you? And what kind of personality disorder are we talking about?
We'll all find out next fall when it's saddled next to my new reality show Let's Gouge Casey Anthony's Eyes Out With Cornhuskers.
So with the power of your dick you created a heat score. I wish I could lend advice but in this situation you're up the creek. There's no deflector shield strong enough to block a crazy chick.
Yeah I don't see a way of navigating out of it unless I just find a new job or quit. I also fucking hate my boss who loves to make all of her workers lives miserable.
Ever think she's just lonely and looking for some company? I know the truth is she is tired of being the only single woman in the office and has already named your children and bought the frame for her desk, but she's lonely too. Just be a stand up dude. Fuck her roommate.
It's probably more of my lonely hearts club stupidity for going for it in the first place. Should have known better. On a happier note these woman figure skaters are gorgeous. The stems on these women are off the charts.
*VI dons German accent and directs Kahn to couch. "Kubla, any chance that this is about quitting your job via office blow up?" I think so. It's like suicide by cop. Or more like job suicide via office crazy chick, convoluted, but no less effective. I'll go ahead and congratulate you on the new job.