He needs to try for a threesome with two of her different personalities. And then try and see if he can get her to hate-fuck herself.
Dude, what you need to do is keep fucking her, but asking for crazier and crazier shit in bed. You have to make her not want you. You can't run from crazy, you gotta run into crazy and blow it up from the inside.
It's more one of those, she hates my guts now situations and we are forced to be around each other for work type deals. Good times. I think fucking now is quite off the table.
My friends saw it, and after a quick Google search to see if I qualified age-wise as cougar and what the actual formula is, gave me shit every time he was on deck after that (did I mention he was in a Speedo?), telling me I needed to fix my hair, fanning me. Certainly made the morning go by faster. I just joked that while I was all aflutter he probably went back to his friends and said, "uh, I think I just winked at Mrs. Funball." Oh and I got the head lift as well. And hey, if I accidentally dropped something in front of him and had to pick it up, so be it. Butterfingers is a very serious condition and is nothing to be laughed at. You guys, ignoring the crazy. Set her up with a friend. That you don't want to be friends with anymore.
Take her and the boss out for a drink, see if you can't get a threesome out of them. Then let the boss and crazy chick bang. Ever see "The League" where Pete is trying to hand off his annoying friend? Similar idea, but with sex. Boss fires crazy chick, and while boss may make you crazy, at least crazy chick is gone.
Boss is a insane single 40 something fat body. Even though my coworker might be down for some drunken bad decisions with another female, our boss wouldn't be in her wheelhouse.
I bet whoever put that mic near Eddie Shack is regretting their decision. "Who gives a shit as long as you're getting paid?" Awesome.
I haven't been to the movies for months. Should I see American Hustle or Lone Survivor tonight? Those are basically the only two movies I give a shit about. I love movies based on real-life events but I also love Jeremy Renner, soooo...
See The Wolf of Wall Street. It was entertaining. But based on your two, I haven't heard a bad thing about American Hustle
Don't go to the Oscars thread... edit: I am mesmerized by the team figure skating. People rag on judge based sports but damn the practice and skill to go into hitting those moves has got to be crazy. Of course I no idea what any of the judging means and take the announcers at their words.
Rick and Morty is an awesome show. I'm spending this weekend trying to avoid the Olympics, because....Korean nationalism. Plus, coming from the South, our winter sports are poverty, Natty Light funnelin' and domestic abuse, and a bobsled is fucking expensive.
For the record (and I've gotten a few reps) I wasn't thinking about Tucker Max nor do I remember what specific story when I wrote that. Then again, I've been in a DayQuil/NyQuil fueled haze, so it could have come from the ether. I've dated a psychopath, and the only way I got out was out crazying the crazy. If Tucker wrote that as well, cool. Can't remember if it was part of an exit strategy. I can't look it up because my friend Steve has had my book for about 2 years. But good advice is good advice. I sure as hell didn't say "Here is an original piece of advice everyone needs to credit me for." Idiots. What the post is still there? Bottom of page 34. Also this is Olympics related, but not really. Just a bunch of hot Russian Olympians in underwear. Found this on Yahoo's Shine (women's page) under the headline "Scantily Clad Russian Olympians Are Making Us Uncomfortable" speak for yourselves feminists. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.adme.ru/olimpiada/nasha-zhenskaya-sbornaya-olimpiady-619005/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.adme.ru/olimpiada/nasha-zhen ... dy-619005/</a> The site is entirely in Russian fyi. Not that you need to read anything.