Yes. The fact that this question needs to be answered is way more fucked up than having to choose in the first place. Seattle is going to be completely delirious for the rest of the week. If the NBA fails to take notice of that, then fuck them. You know what? Fuck the NBA anyway. I understand that as a commissioner of a major sports league, you do what you can to make as much money as possible for the guys that pay your salary. But you can't say "Fuck you, Seattle. You don't want to pay half a billion dollars for an arena? We're moving to Oklahoma." Then say "We want basketball in Sacramento, and we're going to make the owners of the team sell for less than they would have gotten otherwise." Fuck the NBA.
Yep. I'm not a Bruno Mars fan. His songwriting style leans towards the sappy and even songs I liked initially like Grenade have a short shelf life for me. That being said, he's a ridiculously talented dude who's part of a respected songwriting collective. He's not some manufactured pop star with marginal talent. And he killed it. That being said, the RHCP collaboration just seemed forced, in fit and in the brevity of their appearance. Its gonna be so awkward when the Thunder win the championship in a few months...
The game was complete shit. I say this as a rabid Denver fan. It was horrible. I did watch the Halftime Show. I'm not a Bruno Mars fan, but he did put on a hell of a show. The RHCP's were ok. But keep in mind, the last relevant album they did was circa 1992. While I appreciate the musicianship in that band, they should have hung it up long ago. They were fine last night, played well live as they usually do. But Bruno Mars killed it. Like I said, I'm not a fan, but he is a hell of a performer. Good on him.
So people are upset over the Coke add featuring a multi language version of America the Beautiful. Read the comments of this article, as well as the article, for full on derp hilariousness.
Three replies in and I'm grinding my teeth. That word ignorant, I don't think it means what you think it means. No, really, that's his username. He's also so painfully stupid it hurts. Why am I reading this? Fuck you for this, Kahn. Edit. This one for good measure before I go cry.
That must be a troll. I thought that commercial was well thought out, I remember thinking that when I saw it. I'd like to see these people boycott the most widely available products in the world. Starving children in Africa can't get food but they can get a Coke. These people boycotting Coke would literally make no difference. Had to post this screen shot of the comment section. Kinda sums it up in some ways.
Cherrios brought back the mixed race couple/kid to say fuck you to all the racists that got mad earlier this year. Which I loved. God damn racists.
The comment section of that article is honestly the dumbest shit I have ever read. Those people cannot possibly exist. "Read the bible if you don't know why we're upset!!!" ...which of course makes sense, they yearn for a time when slavery was an accepted social norm. It's the foreigners' faults. They're lazy and stupid for not speaking English.
I'm a little late to the game (like the Broncos, for whom I was cheering) but someone posted this and I thought I would share.
I think this current era of "outrage" is at it's most hilarious when people bitch about "gays forcing their agenda down everyone's throat." I mean of all of the quips you can use.
The one thing about the coke commercial that I did find weird was that the images seemed to be of foreign countries. Just seemed weird to have a song about America and clips of other places. Unless it was just showing different cultural areas in the us (Chinatown, little Italy etc..). I wasn't paying too much attention to it
I guess they don't realize without mixed race couples we wouldn't have Slash. Of course these are the same demographic of drooling mongoloids who thinks being gay leads to beastiality. Because only the LAW prevents them from fucking animals.
If I remember right (and I was drinking so you never know), he was on stage singing but there were also others dressed similarly to him playing instruments. So if you didn't know any better, you might think it was a band called "Bruno Mars", since they all had shiny outfits on, etc.