You're up shit creek. You can call Microsoft and inform them of your situation. They may be nice enough to issue you a new key; I have had them do so with me in the past (I told them I have the original install disc but don't have the packaging). Or, you can reach out to a professor that might have liked you and see if he or she can help.
Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place. I am looking to switch to an electric shaver instead of a razor. The cartridge cost of my electric razor adds up and I don't want to go to an old fashioned straight razor. anyone have any advice or insight into getting an electric shaver? Brands to get or avoid? Foil vs. rotary? Thanks!
I have the unfortunate combination of very coarse facial hair and very sensitive skin on my neck. I spend my life looking for the best way to shave. The only thing that's ever given me a really comfortable and close shave is when I spent about a year or so shaving every day with a double-edged safety razor, decent shaving cream whipped up into a foam by a brush, and using multiple passes to reduce the hair during the process. It turned shaving into a 20+ minute exercise but I actually really enjoyed the ritual of it. Instead of it being something to "get through", using the warm lather that actually smelled good and a solid tool to shave with made it more of a relaxing routine. Plus: closest shave ever. EVER. And replacement blades are like $0.25 each, so you can replace them as often as you want. This is actually a really cheap option - cheaper than either cartridges or electric. That said, I'm back with a pretty expensive foil electric shaver now - a Panasonic Procurve. It doesn't irritate my neck like the rotaries I've used, it's a whole lot faster than shaving with a blade and the small amount I give up in closeness is okay. Rotaries deal with long hairs better than foils, but irritate my neck and don't get at close.
I was playing with NFS in my lab, and was trying to find a NFS client for windows. I tried a few (nfsAxe, a few other one-offs) and couldn't really get any of them to work. I ended up installing SFU (something about a windows update to make your PC more unix friendly, including NFS support). Well, that didn't work so I uninstalled it. Now my samba is broken. Things that I could connect to before are 'no longer reachable'. Or better yet, I can view the directory once, or maybe get one file, and then all the directories are empty. Sometimes it will take up to 2 minutes to connect to it. Even after uninstalling the windows SFU extension I still get these prompts asking for NFS variables when I try to access a samba drive. Nothing complicated, usually as simple as a \\, etc. I am able to work around the issue most of the time by going through the effort of mapping the drive, and it works most of the time. Any ideas on: 1) A free NFS client that just works for windows 2) A way to reinstall the samba portions of windows 3) A third party samba client for windows that works For some reason, this is a lot more complex than I had expected and really would like to avoid a reformat for something as retarded as this.
There is a problem that seems to follow my laptop around, either at my parents house or my house in Belfast. When I'm connected to the wireless network, every now and then the network just goes down and every computer on the network is disconnected. However the lights on the wireless router don't seem to change when this happens. After a couple of minutes I can reconnect, but then it usually goes down again and can repeat this several times before it starts working again. Sometimes this can go on for hours though. Other times it appears to happen at only certain times of day. It can happen when my laptop is the only one connected. I've done a 'quick scan' with avast anti-virus but it found nothing. I'd be surprised if I have a virus becuase I'm always very careful. Is it simply a case of two broken wireless routers playing up? And me seeing patterns in the downtime that aren't there? Or is my computer some kind of monster that shuts down routers whenever it connects to them wireless? I should add I'm reasonably tech-savy, but this has me stumped. My laptop is a HP something Laptop running vista. My parents wireless router is a proper netgear one that cost a fair few quid, my one at my house is some free one that came with the internet bill.
It'd be surprising if you were shutting down the router, but not impossible. Next time it happens, immediately disable your wireless connection on your router and see if it fixes the issue. It's not totally impossible that your wireless NIC is flooding the router and causing it to temporarily become unresponsive.
When it happens I am totally disabled from the wireless router so can not access it it in order to disable a wireless connection. There are no buttons on the router either except for a reset button. Whether I disable my laptops wireless by pressing the button on my laptop or just leaving it, I generally get reconnected within a couple of minutes, but often within a couple of minutes I'll get disconnected again. At my parents house this can go on indefinitely for hours. At my house it usually stops within 1-4 disconnects. Perhaps I just have access to 2 faulty routers, but from the response from other people it seems it only happens when I'm around. Utterly bizarre.
No, sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. Disable the wireless adapter on your laptop. There will probably be a button for it - there is on virtually all laptops for airplane mode. You shouldn't have to go near the router. On my laptop, there's a hard switch on the side. It may also be a Fn+button somewhere on the keyboard. Or, go into your network connections, right click on the wireless adapter, and select Disable. In any event, you want to completely disable the wireless adapter so it stops communicating with the router - that's not the same as disconnecting it from the wireless network. Once you do that, see if the other computers can then communicate with the router.
What program do you use to rip DVDs? I would like a free one, and quality reallys isn't an issue (these will be watched on a netbook, so the smaller the better).
Shot in the dark here, but is anyone here knowledgeable on office all-in-one printer/copy/scanner/fax machines, and more specifically, if there are any major differences between Ricoh and Konica Minolta?
Personally, I've found the home-office technology to be somewhat the same across brands, with the major differences and key selling points to be driver features and software. I've got a mixed PC/Mac environment, and personally find HP to be the best suited for it. Brother's MFC line is a close second. Can't speak to the others.
Picasa question Yesterday I tried to upload pictures from my digital camera to picasa. All the pictures were copied into picasa where you can then import them into a folder on your computer. But I closed picasa before importing the pictures, and when I opened up picasa again I couldn't find the pictures, even though I know the pictures are somewhere on my computer because my hard drive space went down by about 2gb. Where can I find the pictures?
Re: Picasa question If you know what format they're in (probably jpg), you can open the search function and search all folders for *.jpg (or .whatever the format is).
The above solution will work, but if you have too many pictures for that to be viable, you could try taking a picture, importing it and paying attention to where it's saved -- all the other pictures will be in the same place.
Can you hook a Zune up to a Mac? I'm more or less computer retarded. I use a Mac all the time for my work, and these things hold your hand doing anything 'that side of the brain' related. I know how to google searches as well, but trust the people here more than an internet stranger from a yahoo answers post 2 years ago. Did some banners for a dude and he just sent me a 4G Zune model 1124. I plug it in to my Mac OS X 10.5.8 and... nothing happens. Any help? I'll buy you a beer if you ever come to Florida.
Damn, all the shit I've found has not worked. Parallel won't run for me, Boot Camp is no help without a Windows disc and freakin' VirtualBox requires an Intel processor. Fuuuuuuuckin lame. Unless anyone has an idea, it's looking like I'm gonna have to use my parents or a friends PC.
Firefox appears to have shit the bed on me. For a couple of days now I've been having trouble accessing a couple of websites. Earlier today, FF started running really slowly (slow loading of pages, a second or two delay in the cursor changing from the arrow to the little hand when placed over a link, a couple of seconds pause when scrolling a page and what-not). I tried restarting my laptop which sorted the problem for about twenty minutes, so I uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled it. Worked fine for a little while, and now it's back to the same. I'm having to use IE, which is running fine so I'm not sure what's up-I last ran Avast yesterday, and it didn't report any infections so I have no idea what's going on.
Thinking about making a webcam to check in on my dog. How can I have one that I am able to tilt, pan and zoom from the cam's webpage? A google search only came up with this one company which I can only assume charges a lot for what I should be able to find on my own.